Hitesh portfolio

Hi Hitesh

Given the correction in Page Industries,Is it good opp. to accumulate or wait for some more dips.Please suggest.



Have you recently had a look at Laxmi Machine Works & the your word on the scripts @ 3125 odd current level. In one of your old posts somewhere you mentioned to have invested in it at some point in time of your investing career…



Hi Hiteshbhai,

I would request your views on stock market in the next 1-2 years. Esp with New govt and expected revival in the WW economy. Bull/Stable/Bear?

What are the variables to watch out for?


hi Hitesh,

Keen to know about your openion about SUN PHARMA after SUN-RANBAXY deal.Is the deal will enable Sun to grow for 20 % CAGR for next 10 years…means more than 10 lac market capitalisation by 2024.

Really appreciate the patience and pain you are taking for replying to all queries from novice investors like me.


Shanid V H

Hi Hitesh,

Any idea about Aksharchem India ? I seem to be rather bullish on it & am invested, but there are always a few nagging doubts that keep cropping up about the hypothesis being correct!

After 12 years of active investing, I usually prefer to scale up as the story unfolds the way I expect it to, rather than averaging on the way down. What’s your take on this theory ?



@Sridhar, I usually dont have too much by way of macro views on markets. I am mostly concerned with companies I am invested in.

@Shanid, Sun pharma remains a top pick in pharma large cap space. But in shorter term the amalgamation pains may be there bcos the problems of Ranbaxy will now be those of Sun.

@Sandip, I dont follow LMW so not much idea.

@rajeev, I have no idea about aksarchem.

Hello Hiteshji

Avanti has dropped by almost 10% since yesterday, should I exit or hold on

kindly adivse.

Hi Naveen,

Since I joined this forum, I have believed one of the unstated objectives of this forum is to be able to enable amateur investors to stand on their own feet and to use the available wealth of knowledge here to take informed decisions. I think we should be taking calls after reading all the stuff that is posted on the forum or ask questions and share views on the fundamentals or technicals of the stockrather than asking questions because of daily stock price movements.

Apologies and no offence intended as this question is directed towards Hitesh and I am chipping in with my views. But I am somehow not comfortable with the concept of asking questions on or because of daily price movements on this forum. I feel it defeats the purpose of this forum.

With due respect.



I fully agree with HR’s views. What you have put up is exactly the aim of the forum.

Re the query on avanti feeds, I dont follow it closely so no answer from my side.

Hi Hitesh,

After the recent correction in Page inds, dont you think it has become attractive at these levels ? With the expected EPS of 175-180 in fy15e and 225-230 in fy16e, it is trading at 32x fy15e and 25x fy16e which is lower end of its trading range.

Also, want to know the reason for slight seasonality in Page revenues and Margins. Q1 tend to be seasonally strong in terms of revenues nd margins, any reasons for the same ?

Thanks !


Yes page does look attractive if one has a two year view.

regarding the seasonality, I dont have much idea about the seasonality but I think over the next few quarters it might get smoothened out due to higher growth in the women’s wear, and possible contribution from kidswear range which I hear is going to be relaunched in a new format…

hi ringa this sums the annual increase in Q1Please read below paragraph. They annually hike price of their products and Also, the increased capacity is added mostly in first quarter.

Munger admitted that he and Buffett really did not understand the value of a brand until they bought Seeas Candies. The two investors found after they bought Seeas Candies they could regularly raise prices and customers did not seem to care. Buffett and Munger call this ability apricing power.a Munger notes that before Seeas Candies:

aWe didnat know the power of a good brand. Over time we just discovered that we could raise prices 10% a year and no one cared. Learning this changed Berkshire. It was really important.a http://theinvestmentsblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/final-wesco-meeting-morning-with.htm

Hello Hitesh bhai,

What is your opinion for Archies Ltd ? Face value 2 Rs CMP is 20 Rs excellent dividend track record . Good management

Also for International Combustion good management kindly give your opinion if possible for both the companies


I dont track either of the companies you mention.

Hi Hitesh,

I have initiated a thread (http://www.valuepickr.com/forum/not-so-hidden-gems/589002551) on Mahindra CIE with the help of an existing report.

Could you give your views on the opportunity if you are able to go through the info given.


hi hitesh… can you please let us know your portfolio allocation now… i’m so greatfull on your suggestions & picks. thanks

Dear Hiteshbhai,

I am also holding FDC in my LT portfolio and recently sold 5 to 10 % holding at 130 and 140 levels.

What are your long term views about FDC ? Should we still remain invested or shift to UNICHEM. or any other Pharma stock like Cadelia Health Care.

What are your long term views about MNC Pharma stocks such as Novarites Wyeth or Pfizer ?

I have been holding FDC UNICHEM Cadelia Health Care Novarites Wyeth *& Pfizer in my LT Portfolio for years together.


I am holding FDC in my portfolio too. I would keep holding for higher targets.

Unichem results should be out in a few days which would provide idea regarding its trajectory.

I dont track the other stocks you mention so not much idea.


What is your view on HSIL ? Do you still hold it ?


HSIL is a trading bet and I am riding with strict stop losses.
