Hitesh portfolio


instead of putting up your portfolio you can start a thread of your portfolio in the portfolio thread.

All your stock picks are good and you can add to most of the positions.

Hello Hiteshji,

What is your take on IDFC.



You can drop the ji.

regarding IDFC it seems okay to play the market rally. But over longer time frame I think there are better options in same space in HFCs or SME space like SCUF.



Hi Hitesh,

Could you comment on my portfolio and its allocation given below:

Can Fin 13%

Mahindra Cie 11%

Gati 8%

Avanti Feeds 7%

Firstsource Sol 6%

Ashiana Housing 6%

AIA Engineering 5%

PTC India Fin 5%

Repco Home 5%

Yes Bank 5%

Transport Corp5%

Jyoti Structure 4%

Alembic Pharma 3%

Aurobindo Pharm3%

Torrent Pharma 3%

CCL Products 3%

Natco Pharma 2%

Dynemic Product 2%

Fluidomat 2%

Acrysil India 2%

Note: Some notes FYI.

1)Pharma - Ihave 4 pharma stocks and total allocation to Pharma sector is 11%. But I treat them as 1 stock i.e. I prefer diversyfying my Pharma allocation into few stocks due to US FDA related uncertainties (which are not easy to track).

  1. Logistics - It is a proxy play on e-commerce mostly (due to no direct listed players) and a bet for the long term. I prefer treating logistics as micro and macro play. Gati and TCI are micro plays. Macro play would be something like Ports sayGujarat Pipavav (yet to add). These are very long term bets from 10 year perspective.

  2. Jyoti Structure - I am betting on a turnaround here and the current balance sheet or numbers may not paint a rosy picture due to debt on its books.

  3. Mahindra Cie - Actually I hold Mahindra Ugine but that will eventually get converted to Mahindra CIE due to merger and its allocation post conversion may go up by 2% due to arbitrage opportunity that exists between Mahindra CIE and Mahindra Ugine.

I am a novice in the stock markets but with deep passion for them. A bit reserve to contribute to this forum as there are many experts here but I surely do look forward to learn and contribute.

Would appreciate yourviews on my portfolio and its allocation above.


Hitesh Randhawa.

@hitesh randhawa

Please start your portfolio thread in the portfolio section and then will comment.


Hi Hitesh,

Have done as suggested. As I said, this is my 1st post, therefore didn’t know the right place to post it. Apologiesfor the same.


Hitesh Randhawa.


If you were starting with a fresh slate, and if you had just one pharma stock to chose among ajanta, unichem and shilpa. Which one would you choose among these three for say a period of 2 years.



for two years I would choose ajanta. mainly bcos I have a good idea about the company and its products and bcos of its track record till date and management smarts.


Dr.Hitesh , are you still holding Deepak Fert and Banco.

Will you advice shifting JB chemicals to Ajanta pharma [both at current levels] targeting FY16. If possible please provide your projection for FY16 EPS for JB and AJANTA



I hold deepak fert and banco. I looked at Banco in more details and it seems much better than first thought of. There seems to be a lot of undervaluation. I would put up a detailed note on the respective thread.

Coming to choice between jb and ajanta I would be inclined to hold both.

projections would be eps for ajanta

ajanta fy 14 …70… fy 15 85-90

jb chem fy 14 adjusted (net of extraordinary which is a one off)

fy 14 eps …12.5-13 fy 15 15-16

these are mere projections and need to be taken with a pinch of salt. :slight_smile:


I hold deepak fert and banco. I looked at Banco in more details and it seems much better than first thought of. There seems to be a lot of undervaluation. I would put up a detailed note on the respective thread.

Coming to choice between jb and ajanta I would be inclined to hold both.

projections would be eps for ajanta

ajanta fy 14 …70… fy 15 85-90

jb chem fy 14 adjusted (net of extraordinary which is a one off)

fy 14 eps …12.5-13 fy 15 15-16

these are mere projections and need to be taken with a pinch of salt. :slight_smile:

Hi Hitesh Bhai,

Could not find thread for Banco hence posting my question here.

Sales for Banco have been increasing at very good pace but their operating margins are the same. Were you able to figure out the reason?




This is the relevant thread.



Banco had slipped badly during dec 12 and march 13 qtrs. (q3 and q4 fy 13)

Since then it has had 3 good quarters and has also paid interim dividend of Rs 1.7 per share.

But stock price doesnt seem to have reacted too much to this good news. But I think that is the window of opportunity for someone wanting to take an opportunistic bet. Slight re rating from 4 PE to 6 PE would offer 50% returns.

I dont think its a stock to fall in love with.

As Manish Okhade mentions in the Banco thread, you buy it in bad times where you see limited downsides and sell it when things look very very rosy.

Plus being from Baroda , I can provide additional info that the company plant is now sitting on very very valuable land bank. (that is not to say that they will sell it and monetise it) Earlier it was on the outskirts of my city Baroda but now I see residential units all round the company and that makes the company’s location very lucrative.

Hi Hitesh,

On JB, it is down for the past few days, may be due to Russia- Crimea issue. Is their CIS business is so significant?



Hi Hitesh bhai.Around a month back,you had propagated buying Symphony.The stock has had a massive rally from the 480 levels since then & doesn’t look like stopping.It has received quiet a lot of attention among institutions as well.Any views now…isn’t it expensive? Or should we view this as re-rating given all the positives outlined in brokerage reports?
I mean,are you still happy to HOLD it?

Hitesh Bhai,

According to you what would be the best option to play the markets now convert positions and be in cash almost to the tune of 70% or to hold on to positions?


@ramesh suvarna, JB Chem has a well diversified revenue model distributed equally between verticals. The Annual report will provide all the relevant details. I feel its just taking a breather.

@ sagar. Symphony was a great buy around 400-450 odd levels. Not people have come out with lofty targets for the stock. But one thing still remains and that is that the fortunes of the company still depend upon the state of summer. There has been slightly reduced dependence on the above factor but nevertheless it remains. Around 700-750 I feel at best its a hold or if one can find a better opportunity then may be a sell too. I feel a switch from symphony to hawkins might be interesting and rewarding.

@ rajarshi. I think markets dont seem in a mood to give in. No use predicting tops. But as elections and the results come nearer I think some nervousness might creep in. But that phase still seems a few weeks away.


Shouldn’t symphony be a core stock in one’s portfolio. Yes it has had a superb run from 400 and one should be very cautious at allocating fresh capital at these levels. Shouldn’t this business be bought at every correction. Recently there was an article in BL where Mr Bakeri stated that exports would contribute 50% of revenues over the next 5 yrs, in that case depending on indian summer will be negated. Opportunities also lie in shift happening from the unorganized to organised sector and industrial cooling segment which the company expects to grow by 35%-40%.


Chetan Chhabria


While Symphony is a great business to own I think valuations might have run ahead of fundamentals. It can be considered on declines.