Hitesh portfolio


Thanks Hiteshbhai

I have already initiated position in Unichem on ur recom (on my own resposibilty), but I will add more at CMP.

BTW I might sound stupid … but what do u mean by Speciality play???



http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/investment-world/opportunities-back-home-for-indian-pharma/article3994687.ece?ref=wl_features Link: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/investment-world/opportunities-back-home-for-indian-pharma/article3994687.ece?ref=wl_features

Hi Hiteshbhai,


** dieases???

Thanks in advance



long **

** pharma.but **

** in.I **



I mean “Speciality pharma play” in layman’s language

http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/investment-world/opportunities-back-home-for-indian-pharma/article3994687.ece?ref=wl_features Link: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/investment-world/opportunities-back-home-for-indian-pharma/article3994687.ece?ref=wl_features

Hi Hiteshbhai,

what are India focused best long term pharma bets for lifestyle dieases???

Thanks in advance



long term pharma bets in the life style diseases – most of them have run up a lot. best among the lot seems to be sun pharma.

but i feel going forward there might be higher appetite for the speciality plays in pharma sector and thats where our discussed stocks like unichem, ajanta etc should fit in.

I still maintain that valuation wise and in terms of potential upside from cmp, ajanta and unichem could offer very good potential.


speciality play in pharma space means companies involved in some specific niches – like dermatology, orthopaedics, ophthalmology (eye) etc branches. these companies cater to medicines dealing mainly with ailments in these branches.

Hi Hitesh bhai,

Are you tracking Hikal, Sequent Scientific in pharma space. What is your views on them. You were bullish on Sashun and Venus remedies few days back. Do you suggest fresh buying in these stocks.


what is ur view on commercial eng?


Dont you think Ajanta is looking quite weak technically?

Im not an expert at technicals, but seems stock has given trendline breakdown suggesting tgts of 320/300.

Your views?

not much idea but abhishek basumallick has started a thread on it.

shasun seems to be the most interesting among the lot.

I think ajanta might have formed a bottom for the shorter term atleast.

For the latest leg of uptrend, beginning 19 th june 2012, from 292 levels after which stock hit high of around 447, the stock started correcting and at today’s low of 360, it corrected close to 50% of the upmove. The stock posted a small hammer on candlestick chart.

Stock opened below yesterday’s low of 370.20 (gapped down) and went down all the way to 360 and by the close it had closed the gap down opening and closed higher at around 374 which in simple terms signifies that buyers overpowered the sellers by the close of day. Lets see how it behaves in next few days.

hi hitesh… happy 2 c fdc in your folio… av been holdin for long without much luck… wats ur take on it @cmp?.. also kindly lemme know technical details of photoquip?..thanks


fdc is a stock for the patient investor with limited downsides.

photoquip seems range bound. a move above 58 should start fireworks in the counter.

reduced ajanta picked up earlier around 370 odd levels today. ajanta is now back to 5% levels in portfolio.

added more unichem today. plan is to jack up holding in unichem in which I see more bullish prospects and better still no cockroaches.(as in ajanta where there might or might not be a few lurking around)

hitesh, i know you would have thought about it but I still don’t understand why would you sell ajanta for unichem. valuation-wise and with growth prospects ajanta seems to have an edge over unichem. even with a higher tax-rate(which may or may not have been because of the raid), it is reporting very good growth in profits. any more findings you have?

Hi Hitesh bhai,

I too have the same question. I also wanted to reduce my holding in ajanta and convert it to Mayur/Hikal post this it raid issue. But than I thought why hurry when I don’t have a clear picture. There is short term uncertainty, but very small long-term risk. So I left it as it is.

I am not sure whether, there will be buying opportunity for ajanta at lower levels (say 10% lower than current price), or whether there will be a price stagnation because of this issue (implying opportunity cost).

Do let us know your thinking process, so that we can get benefited with the same.

reduced ajanta picked up earlier around 370 odd levels today. ajanta is now back to 5% levels in portfolio.

added more unichem today. plan is to jack up holding in unichem in which I see more bullish prospects and better still no cockroaches.(as in ajanta where there might or might not be a few lurking around)


regarding ajanta vs unichem, i prefer unichem for following reasons

1). better balance sheet inspite of almost completed expansions.

2). better presence in US markets.

3). Unichem is likely to generate higher cash flows and provide higher dividends.

4). In the past too unichem has been assigned very high PE almost in line with mid tier good pharma companies to the tune of 15-18 PE.

5). Lesser chances of encountering cockroaches-- I personally perceive the Unichem management to be better than Ajanta in terms of integrity but this is only a personal opinion.

6). Unichem is going from being a turnaround to a growth story.

the concern about ajanta is that I am not too convinced by the reply i got from them about tax raids and such issues. Fact remains that they paid much higher taxes as compared to earlier quarters and hence there must be something which might have induced them to pay higher taxes. If and when something comes out there could be some short term pain in case of ajanta and hence higher weightage in unichem.

Hitesh - Any idea on MT Educare? Seems interesting - negative working capital, debt free, increasing ROE/ROCE.

http://www.mteducare.com/investors-updates/investor_presentation_quarterly_update_Q1.pdf Link: http://www.mteducare.com/investors-updates/investor_presentation_quarterly_update_Q1.pdf

Link: http://www.mteducare.com/investors-updates/investor_presentation_quarterly_update_Q1.pdf http://www.mteducare.com/investors-updates/investor_presentation_quarterly_update_Q1.pdf Link: http://www.mteducare.com/investors-updates/investor_presentation_quarterly_update_Q1.pdf


I was try to find more info on this and i follow this guy on twitter and read his blog about MT Educare.

http://deveshkayal.wordpress.com/2012/09/23/mt-educare-quality-education-franchisee/ Link: http://deveshkayal.wordpress.com/2012/09/23/mt-educare-quality-education-franchisee/



I had a brief look at MT educare and liked the business model. But it would be interesting how company manages to grow outside of mumbai.

Management seems to be talking all the right things. How they walk the talk would be the thing to watch.

Hi hitesh,

Can you post your current portfolio please when you get a minute.



Current portfolio

KSCL 15% (due to run up)

Mayur 15% (due to run up)

Unichem 15% (run up and added more around 178)

FDC 8%

Atul auto 5 %

Muthoot 5%

GRP 5%

Techno 5%

Shasun 5%

FK Onco 3%

Rest cash.

Complete exits include page, hawkins, tbz, ajanta etc.

I might decide to replace the lesser allocated stocks with something else if I find it interesting.