Hemant's basket

Loaded up on astral at 460 in today’s panic. Also have been buying ajanta slowly.

hi any views on wimplast an blisss gvs

prashant shah

hi prashant,

wimplast is a good moderate growth stock but currently stuck in a very weak macro environment. it would find hard to grow at past rates and hence i would give it a miss currently given a lot more stocks present more attractive oppurtunities.

bliss gvs - no idea on this one

bought some alembic and lupin in today’s fall. alembic continues to churn out attractive numbers and looks cheap. lupin’s this quarter’s results are more of an abberation, growth should return from next quarter onwards. in any case, the operating metrics despite weak growth were good.

Hi hemant. . Do u still recommend buying yes bank after a free fall of 50% from its top? Does it remains a buy on dip based on charts?

hi sandip,

i have faith in yes bank’s management to tide over these short term hiccups. they managed the last rate hiking cycle well. I am using this correction to buy slowly and will continue to buy on any more sharp dips.

updated portfolio:

kaveri 12%

ajanta pharma 10%

astral poly 10%

page ind 9%

pi ind 9%

lupin/sun ph 9%

hdfc bank 9%

poly med 6%

alembic pharma6%

yes bank/indusind bk 5%

la opala 5%

atul auto5%


Interesting to note that you have completely exited Cera. Any reasons or are you finding other stocks more attractive.

hi gyan,

was manually calculating the percentages and missed out on cera. thanks for pointing that out. it remains one of my favourite. updated composition below:

kaveri 11.5%

ajanta pharma 9.5%

astral poly 9.5%

page ind 8.5%

pi ind 8.5%

lupin/sun ph 8.5%

hdfc bank 8.5%

cera 6.5%

poly med 5.5%

alembic pharma5.5%

yes bank/indusind bk 4.5%

la opala 4.5%

atul auto4.5%



Where can i find some material on OEW. I am interested in reading about it.

Please drop me an email at pankajpandekar@gmail.com.


dear sir,

please update ur portfolio if possible.



dear sir,

please update ur portfolio if possible.



hi anand,

recently, i have booked 25% profits in ajanta at 760+ and added to sun and lupin. in addition to that, i added to PI ind, poly med and shilpa(agressively). I also added to private banks yes(<300) and indusind(<375) on declines and intend to hold on to them. one more idea i have initiated and slowly adding to is a basket of retail stocks(trent, future ret). I do think this space could become huge over time. currently exposure is very small but i would be adding on declines if any. rest of the portfolio remains unchanged.

Thanks Hemant for updating about changes in portfolio Holding.

If remember correctly,couple of months back you had initiated purchase in wockhardt as well? are you still positive about company prospective? since lots of negative news have come in recent past which has beaten down the stock badly. what’s your view on that?


hi lalitesh,

i am still holding that small quantity of wockhardt but as a test case. haven’t added to that. the US FDA decision on the chikalthana facility is the all important decision here. if there is no import ban, the stock could rally a lot. would keep this under watch.

yes(<300) and indusind(<375) on declines and intend to hold on to them. one more idea i have initiated and slowly adding to is a basket of retail stocks(trent, future ret). I do think this space could become huge over time. currently exposure is very small but i would be adding on declines if any. rest of the portfolio remains unchanged.

Dear Hemant

I have a small quantity of Polymed. You think i can still add more for long term? Or at what levels?


Hi Ashwin,

I have been accumulating polymer for a long time and it has certainly run up now. I would wait for a dip to buy or if you have 3 years horizon, it is a buy at these levels as well.

What’s the basis for you to invest aggressively in Shilpa ? Any triggers both technically n aggressively? How long have you been tracking it ? How different is it from Natco , FK n other Oncology API manufacturers?


How does Granules india look now? Does it look like it has completed 1st of 3rd ?

hi vivek,

initial position was taken purely based on technicals but over time i read the analysis of ayush and donald and how good a wealth creator this was in the past and slowly became more and more convinced of the story and kept on adding to it. my technical analysis on this was posted on the shilpa thread.

