HBL POWER SYSTEMS: Booting-up for the Race of the Century

Delighted to present to VP Community HBL Power Systems Stock Story.

Kudos to @YachnaBhatia for doing a super (dedicated) job in meticulously compiling another very interesting VP Business story. A business that many might characterise as having a chequered-past, especially those invested for long.

She has succinctly brought forward what has “changed” in the business/product mix, huge “Optionalities” that the business now exhibits - that can make for an exciting future for another high-tech, import substitutive, Atmanirbhar (primarily B2G) business. Others like @Anant @Rokrdude @dd1474 @Donald have collaborated with her actively.

Despite some easily identifiable missing “Investor wishlist” parts (like high Re-Investment requirements and lack of an intrinsically scalable business model) this is a business thats NOT easy to ignore, B2B or Not. Might even be positioned uniquely for a disproportionate “atmanirbhar” future should government policies/budgets remain stable and encourage sustainable progress.

Hope you enjoy the story as much as we did the process in bringing this to publishable shape.