Green Hydrogen as a Fuel - Indian Companies leading the Green Revolution

After Green Hydrogen , now it is time for a PLI.scheme for Green Ammonia- Govt announces incentives Scheme to produce-5,50,000 MT of Green-Ammonia

Game plan is clear. Green Ammonia can be easily produced from Green Hydrogen is a versatile chemical with a plethora of utilities.

(1) Ammonia is a liquid at room temp.and can be easily transported / shipped though containers, tankers, pipelines and so can be easily exported to other countries
(2) A direct feed stock to fertiliser plants and many other industries needing green hydrogen as feedstock
(3) Ammonia can be cracked back to produce green hydrogen which can be used as a fuel in vehicles and ammonia can be directly used as fuel and for power generation
(4) Ammonia can be directly used for power generation both through thermal and fuel cell route.