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Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections cause more than a million deaths worldwide every year. That number is expected to rise over the next decades unless new antibiotics can be developed.

Many antibiotics work by binding to and shutting down bacterial ribosomes. These are the molecular machines that build the proteins cells need to function. Over the last several decades, bacteria have evolved various mechanisms to prevent their ribosomes from being blocked by antibiotics. Often, genetic variants lead to changes in the chemical makeup of the ribosomes that prevent the antibiotics from binding.

A research team led by Dr. Andrew Myers from Harvard University, working with Dr. Yury Polikanov from the University of Illinois at Chicago, has been studying ways to tweak antibiotics to beat resistance. In a new study, funded in part by NIH, they examined an older class of antibiotic called lincosamides. Their results were published on February 16, 2024, in Science.

Lincosamide antibiotics are based on molecules found in nature, so are called semi-synthetic drugs. Using knowledge of the molecular structure of these antibiotics and how they bind to bacterial ribosomes, the team developed a fully synthetic compound called cresomycin. They chose its building blocks so that it would form the exact shape needed to latch tightly onto ribosomes.

The team found that cresomycin worked in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The latter are especially hard to treat with existing antibiotics. It also worked in strains resistant to other lincosamide antibiotics.

Using x-ray crystallography, the team explored how cresomycin overcomes the two most common resistance mechanisms that defeat other antibiotics. They obtained crystal structures of cresomycin in complex with two ribosomes that had been modified by different antimicrobial resistance genes. The structures revealed the tiny adjustments between the new antibiotic and the ribosomes that enabled tight binding.

The researchers next tested cresomycin in mice with antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. When treated with the new drug, 10 of 10 mice survived for seven days after infection with a lethal dose of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. By contrast, 9 of 10 mice that received no drug died within two days of infection. Cresomycin also suppressed bacterial growth in mice infected with antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

When tested in cultured human cells, cresomycin didn’t cause notable damage. The researchers are now working with a nonprofit biotechnology accelerator to move the drug closer to clinical trials.

“We don’t yet know whether cresomycin and drugs like it are safe and effective in humans. But our results show significantly improved inhibitory activity against a long list of pathogenic bacterial strains that kill more than a million people every year, compared with clinically approved antibiotics,” says Myers.


Which brands do you think in India have similar pull or affinity led growth.


Treasure trove of interactions with the management (many thanks to folks at Arihant Capital for publishing this)


“There’s an old joke that AI is whatever doesn’t work yet, because once it works it’s just software.” - Ben Evans

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For some reason always believed China was waaay ahead of us in every aspect. Recently came across these two youtube channels that say otherwise. After watching several videos I feel like China is definitely ahead of us but not by that much.

I have recently purchased the book, completed 2 chapters. I liked the writing style. Its an interesting read. Thank you for the recommendation.

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German Medicines Manufacturers’ Association (BAH) (like US FDA) are afraid of visiting China. This means companies in China may loose compliance certificate from Germany. They are afraid Chinese authorities might lock them up if they ask difficult question.




Most of the Indian cities and Tier-2 towns need improvements in terms of dust management and pollution. Apart from this, Food standards need close monitoring and improvements.

Recent observations by various Nations about our food products is alarming.

Moreover, chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes, [hypertension], cardiovascular diseases, and mental health disorders are now so prevalent that they have reached “critical levels,” according to the report.

I think, if we can focus more on Health care systems in cities at reasonable rates and Create more awareness about regular medical check-ups, situation may improve but Efforts will be needed from Health Authorities with more alert approach.