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I think you have calculated the price performance. You should instead see the profit growth CAGR. Often price growth exceeds profit growth because of PE expansion (re-rating). Regardless, you should not project the past growth into the future as that most often leads to disappointment.
However, you’ve put up quite a decent portfolio for a newbie. It should help you beat FD returns handsomely.
Most of your portfolio companies are proven performers.
Some pointers:
- I am not following Mastek. However, it is performing well. Please follow the VP thread. It is not a proven performer. So, make sure to track it continuously.
- Deepak Nitrite is a good company but it is performing at its peak nowadays & thus undergoing PE expansion. Such performance may not sustain forever and then the price performance may lag.
- Supreme Petrochem is mostly a commodity company which has good amount of cyclicality in growth. If you don’t understand the commodity cycle you shouldn’t invest in this company. Commodity companies create euphoria in the up-cycle followed by extreme grief. So, never invest in such companies based on recommendation.
There are tons of incidents where institutional investors have been wrong. Never be so confident about their intelligence.
Lastly I would like to know what percentage of your overall portfolio is in equities. And is that equity portion completely into direct equity? Do you invest in mutual funds?