EKI Energy is that a story or fact?

Anyone still following this ? guess all negativity getting absorbed .

After CMD announces bleak future of carbon creditā€¦prices start ascending. Results to be announced soon.


Anyone still tracking this? q1 and q4 both on September 23. no hope on results

Investing is never easy. The stock is up 40% ever since the CMD of Eki energy expressed bleak future of carbon credit business. Gamble is winning over logic.


Not sure why mainstream media has not reported declaration of result of eki energy

Its down 30 percent in 3 days now !! market became aware of the things

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CHORs never change as Porenju V said so vividly after losing much money. We should avoid all such type where promoters integrity, competence and business model itself is doubtfulā€¦


Below is My opinion, I would love to have more clarity in case someone would offer more inputs to understand VCM carbon credit business.

The voluntary carbon market (VCM). It seems like many businesses view carbon credits as a way to increase profits, whether by making money from their operations, saving on power costs with renewables, or selling carbon credits.

However, in my opinion:

  1. VCM is complex, and as of December 2023, the pricing and control are not clear. The chance of making good money from VCM seems to be very low.
  2. Compliance carbon credits (CCM) are simpler; prices are known, and thereā€™s demand due to the mandate for green power use.

How is this related to EKI ?, they appear to be consultants assisting clients with paperwork for listing carbon credits. However, unless these credits are sold, their value in the market is essentially zero.
I would like to understand, if someone has ever study, VCM & its impact on EKIā€™s performance.

Iā€™ve heard theyā€™re expanding into new businesses, News can always be recycled for PR but historical performance is a better indicator than News especially for a businessā€¦ Numbers speak louder, so it might be wise to wait and see.

D.Not invested.

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This business looks suspicious to me as most of the big players exited and retail investors trapped. When big hands out management excepted the mistake and onboarded new auditors. Looks like the party is over now. A question to be asked here is - how can a small company have such a huge number? How can someone do such a basic mistake in accounting? They booked future revenue in current fiscals. A basic business of stove and consultancy projected itself an energy company. It would be great if this community updates this. This company will provide a lot of learning to all.

Disclaimer: Iā€™m invested.

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Very useful link around the business of Carbon Creditā€”> https://youtu.be/kmU84ToDG7w