Dynemic Products - a relatively undervalued chemical stock!

Perhaps this meant, 13 & 13 cr for FY23
Given this

Can you cross check please.

I heard 30 but logically given the nos.13 cr makes sense. Thanks. I’ll edit this in my post.

Trial run for dye intermediates started. info shared by company on 2nd Novemeber


DYNPRO Rights Issue Filing

Dynemic Products board meet on April 26 for rights issue.

Rights Issue Details

Is there any idea or announcement on when they are starting the utilization of dahej new plant ?

Have the same question. As per the company, Unit 3 project expansion completed as per update provided in May 2022 and the impact on revenue start from FY 2022-23 onwards but there is a dip of 10% on topline from Q4 2022 although a +10% from Q1 2022. Know the company does not conduct investor calls. Would be curious to understand mgt’s plans in light of raw material costs and revenue growth in line with the capex completed. Appreciate any thoughts to gather the required info.

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Having identified import replacement products to manufacture is great, question in my mind is, do they have right people to set up plants, plan & run these operations?

I see no prominent people on board and no key employee data provided in AR…

Disc: Not invested yet but looking forward to invest

Hi @kalpesh4430, Dynemic’s management has shown good execution in the past. They have faced challenges with scaling up of their capex but those are slowly getting resolved. It is not hidden that they have faced major hiccups with their large capex but these are the risks involved in large expansions done by chemical companies. Like they mentioned in the AGM, Food Colour plant should run at optimal capacity very soon. They will start running the Dye Intermediate plant at 50% by this CY end which will fulfil the requirements for the entire Food Colour operations including their old capacity in Ankhleshwar. Once that happens, they will increase the utilisation of the Dye Intermediate facility and start selling it outside. Thanks!

Disc: Not Invested


I attended Dynemic AGM for FY23 through VC, following are some notable points from that (there might be mistakes in my hearing/understanding) -

  • China dumping has subsided to a large extent
  • Current realizations are not-so-good and not-so-bad
  • Capacity (Food Colors - 6K, Dye Intermediates - 14K)
  • Production (Food Colors - 4K, Dye Intermediates - 1.4K)
  • Production volume for Dye Intermediates includes both captive as well as external sales above. This is the level of under-utilization in DI plant.
  • 12-15% of RM is imported. Rest of the RM is either sourced from domestic players or captively produced.
  • For FY24/FY25/FY26 - debt repayment is 32cr - including principal + interest
  • QIP is to fund working capital - so that we can increase production. When we did rights issue, there was a shortfall - looking to raise 25cr, only raised 16cr. Hence needed to do this. Not looking to raise any more funds post this.
  • DI - 55% will be sold externally and rest will be captively consumed. DI sales will be primarily in domestic market, food colors are primarily for export markets.
  • Power & Fuel cost are elevated compared to previous years is due to underutilization of new plants.
  • Will be able to get back to 20% margins at the revenue level of 380-400cr.

Thanks for sharing! This is very helpful! Can anyone please help me understand the below questions

a) Any idea on what the food colours production volume was for FY 23?
b) What will it take for the dye intermediates utilization to improve?

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Food colour volume for FY23 was 3992 MTPA

a) Food colour production was 3992 MT(FY23) vs 3610 MT (FY22)

b) Around 50% of DI capacity is for sale rest is for backward integration/captive use. Hence, the 1488 MT number is more external volume and not total DI production in FY23.

As per management, all plant stabilization issues are behind them and currently only constrained by demand. Some green shoots are visible, so utilization will improve with demand.


@rupeshtatiya - In one of the investor the presentation, management claims capacity as 22K.
Any idea why some gap here ?


As per the commentary from the AGM, it does add up to 22,644 MT
Food Color capacity : 6,120MT Utilization 65%,
Dye Intermediates: 16,524MT - remember roughly 50% of DI is for captive use, 50% is for external.
Overall DI utilization was mentioned as ~50%, with external facing utilization only at ~20% at present.


Have gone through complete thread, went through the ARs as well and the business and promoters looks interesting. I have few questions if someone can help me answer:

  1. How do feel about the integrity and track record of promoters?
  2. Do they have what it takes to go through the difficult waters, I feel their business is at that stage currently.
  3. Have second generation started helping them already and how are they?

@salonihemnani011 @rupeshtatiya

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My view -
Company has done backward integration by putting plant to manufacture required raw materials, prima-facie it seems strategically good decision.
but what they are going to manufacture are all commodity products, which will earn returns above cost of capital for few years and then below cost of capital for next few years.
I would have liked to see capex in existing products they manufacture instead of those commodity products.
Rational managements always try to earn better returns than existing or at least same returns, this decision of such a magnitude of investment seems completely irrational to me.

If someone has connections, please ask the exiting promoter (Dashrathbhai Patel) why he is exiting?

Not Invested

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