Dinesh Sairam's Portfolio: Requesting Feedback

I tried to do it based on a Mathematical Model:

Clearly, there’s no single formula that I can give you. It differs from person to person. But consider these sub-components

  1. Expected loss in Value / Expected Drawdown if Risks materialize (Lower the loss, higher the allocation)
  2. Probability of Risks materializing (Lower the Probability, higher the allocation)
  3. Expected Returns if Risks don’t materialize (Lower the Returns, lower the allocation)

Some combination / weight to these points based on your personal experiences / opinions should determine the allocation to each stock.

Then, as an additional step, you can have thumb rules. Ex: Not more than 10% in BFSI, not more than 20% in a single stock / sector and so on. By definition, there’s no defined logic behind thumb rules. They’re mostly safety measures.

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