Colgate Palmolive - India Smiling

The company has received a Transfer Pricing Order from the Income Tax Authority for the Assessment Year 2021-22.

They have received a Transfer Pricing Order from the Income Tax Authority for the Assessment Year 2021-22. This order pertains to international transactions and disallows certain aspects, with an associated income tax liability of INR 170 Crores. The company has stated that this order has no quantifiable impact on its financial, operational, or other activities, and they are awaiting the completion of Draft Assessment proceedings before making an application to the Dispute Resolution Panel.

Colgate Palmolive Inda has been decreasing the number of manpower across India. They are reducing the number of their sales staff and giving more area to the same staffs. They are facing some challenges in achieving their monthly targets across. Also, I heard only two branch managers are operatng instead of four.

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