Bye Bye Diesel Petrol, Welcome Biofuel- Global Biofuel Alliance- A paradigm shift in sustainable energy, Carbon foot print and economic strategy- various options before India

Biogas plant now at every door step.

Praj & Thermax are specialized in manufacturing and installing Larger Bio gas- CBG plants in India…
Here is a company called HomeBiogas an Israel based Biogas company promoting usage of Kitchen waste, cow dung and other organic waste to produce (1) Bio Gas (2) organic fertilizer. In line with roof top solar at individual homes, the mini Biogas plant can be installed at every home. The plant uses the principle of anaerobic digesters that convert organic waste into methane gas and liquid fertilizer.

HomeBiogas can receive inputs of up to six liters per day of food waste or up to 15 liters per day of animal manure. Each kilogram may produce 200 liters of biogas, enough fuel for an hour of cooking.

Biogas with Natural gas blending to be mandatory with effect from 1st April 2025 for Automobiles & Kitchen

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any view on battery recyling company

No idea. i have not studied… But lithium ion battery recycling seems to hold great potential.Tata’s have entered in to this business

The International Race for Biofuel Dominance Is Heating Up

Toyota was right about hybrid cars all along- An interesting Story on EV vs Hybrids

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ONGC board approves JV with EverEnviro to set up CBG plants pan India

Oriana Power foray into CBG EPC has opened up another high growth opportunity for them apart from solar, bess, and Hydrogen


CBG blending with CNG made mandatory now

CGD entities will gradually increase CBG blending obligation, which is currently voluntary now will become mandatory from the fiscal year 2025-2026, starting with 2.5 % , the blending target is set at 5% by 2029-30.
This will encourage production and use of CBG to that extent , CNG/LNG imports will be reduced and CBG is a renewable sources of energy where as CNG is not.

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