Borosil Renewables - Bright as sunlight

Good times for the solar industry and it’s ancillaries :slight_smile:


Great times ahead for the business looks like. But solar glass is a commodity in the end (unlike the usual though as it is in a nascent sector). Maybe Borosil Renewables could even move up the value chain with solar modules and maybe 5-10 years down the line even do home/office installations(when the trend matures) where branding can work. Just thinking out loud. Nothing of the sort can be predicted now ofcourse.


Today Borosil Renewables was featured on CNBC TV18’s “momentumiser” feature. No wonder it continues to hit Upper Circuit :star_struck:
Can’t find the video . If anyone can locate it, please post it.


In terms of volumes, the five-day average volumes came at around 2.3 times as compared to one month. Delivery volumes nearly at two times as compared to one month


The post above has the “momentumiser” video!

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Has management ever indicated that they may consider venturing into other parts of solar value chain or have they ever indicated that they will always just focus on glass and never look to set up business in other parts of the value chain?

Maybe around 1 year back, they had shown interest in looking into related business areas. But in recent concalls, they categorically mentioned that they will not be venturing into anything beyond solar glass in near future, as this itself is keeping them busy.

This makes lot of sense since as a company, first they need to gain size in the area of their expertise and create balance sheet strength before thinking of diversifying into related areas where they do not have any expertise as of now.


Agree, they should focus on solar glass right now. I was trying to figure out if they are open to new opportunities. They can’t meet all the current demand even after they finish this new capex and this will definitely lead to other entrants into the business. Glass being a commodity product, their margins by then will definitely take a hit and eventually stablise at a reasonable rate. A prudent thing to do would be to diversify into other parts of the solar value chain. Production of solar wafers from ingots etc.
For the next 3-4 years, I expect the business to keep scaling up and may not face any competition.


Some expert talk indicating the opportunities in solar energy sector is huge.


However another relevant point mentioned by him is the Solar Glass prices have gone up by 180%. Not sure what baseline he is having in mind while highlighting this but definitely something that BR will be benefitted by in near term.


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Solar glass prices have gone up much more than 60% assumed earlier in my calculations. From this news which says prices have gone up by 150% and from the post by @aspireinvestor above where Vikram Solar’s CEO mentions solar glass prices have gone up 180%. So this means company can easily generate Rs 120 Crores from internal accruals in next 2 quarters and even cut down on debt component required for 500TPD furnace capex.


Hi @Marathondreams : A great article… Thanks for your inputs… I found this article

Wherein India imported 8000 tons of soda-ash - to manufacture glass soda-ash in one of the byproduct… we if do backward integration, do we have any idea who are the main suppliers of soda ash to Borosil?

Same as with :

this article i got to know that tata chemicals, Solvay and other companies shipped 70,000 tons of soda ash… so we can see that both soda-ash companies and glass manufacturing companies run hand on hand…

There are numerous examples of soda-ash imported to India -

now the main beneficiary is Borosil (Focus on solar panel ) & Asahi india (Focus on infra glass and other things)


worthy innovation which does impact space if commercially scalable

Lakshmi Santhanam, Deepika Goyal, Balaji Lakshminath, and Janardhana V are founders of Renkube, a renewable energy startup that offers an innovative glass that increases the efficiency of photovoltaic solar panels by 20 percent

The energy generation in a solar panel is a bell curve; it gives peak power only at noon and underperforms at other times of the day. Our light redirectors are perfectly tuned to throttle the solar power generation only at such underperforming times.”

Simple but powerful innovation to increase throughput. At this point they are probably early stage startup and their play is more design + software - called MFOT - which is added to panel, good to keep an eye.


Interesting @Dev_S The above article indicates that they are not into solar glass manufacturing but aim to manufacture redirecting units that can be mounted on solar glass thereby enabling them to collect more sunlight for the panel. Its patent pending and will likely take a few years before becoming relevant.

Even if the patent is given it is positive for Solar industry.
Ultimately with low cost the maximum output can be achieved.
This is a positive for all the players in solar power including Borosil Renewable.

As the second largest coal producing and consuming country on Earth and the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, India’s transition from carbon-intensive resources is a critical front in the global climate change fight.

By 2030, the government wants to meet half of the country’s power demand with renewable energy resources.

Power demand expected to triple by 2040 as India’s population continues to achieve upward mobility, fossil fuels are poised to see continued growth even as the clean energy market thrives.


Early morning and late evening sun rays are oblique and do not impart enough energy to sola panels large panels to direct sunlight during this time is possible but capital consuming

2nd option is to device solar glass with layers which allows infrared light rays to pass only to panels but prevent light to escape presently it is achieved by blackening absorbent surfaces they would probably design better heat retainer systems but that tech can be adopted by all glass panels does not seem to be a threat but this is my personal belief we may need more information

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