Inputs from my friend(already took permission to use his content in valuepickr)
This is in response to comparision table.
Some of my observations are as under :
(1) Gulshan has operated at around 50% capacity utilisation during the quarter as against 100% capacity utilisation by BCL. Even Globus has operated at around 55%-60% capacity utilisation as they claim to have 30 crore litres capacity at 5 locations.
(2) BCL has the biggest advantage of its 300 KLPD which can be used for ENA also and which they use for supplying to IMFL producers like Amrut, Mohan Mekins, etc. out of total 700 KLPD.
(3) Gulshan is struggling with its capacity utilization issue and even their ESY24-25 allocation is for 14.25 crores as against 18.25 crores for BCL(rest capacity can be used for ENA). Globus has not declared its Ethanol allocation for ESY 24-25.
(4) Elevated raw material prices and its availability are hurting both Globus and Gulshan to the extent of speaking on their EBITDA margins. BCL is also effected but due to its networking and innovative practices is able to survive and it does not speak on their capacity utilisation. However, their EBITDA margins are also contained but still far higher than Globus and Gulshan.
(5) Globus does not have any plan for further addition of Ethanol/ENA capacity rather they have gone into launching some high valueIMFL brands which is still in its initial stage and not making any contribution to EBITDA. Their regular brands are contributing EBITDA only source of their survival. Regular brands are just 30% of total turnover.
(6) Globus also does not have any further Capex lined up except some around 50 crores for minor work. Gulshan does not have any muscles at present to do any expansion/diversification/greenfield project.
(7)BCL has identified and gone ahead with further capex to the tune of around 500 crores or so in the next two years. (i) 60 crores for 150 KLPD expansion at Bhatinda (ii) Biodiesel 75 KLPD backward integration through DDGS by product of Ethanol costing around 150 crores which will be operational in the first quarter of next financial year. (iii) Ready to go “Goyal Distillery Pvt Ltd” capex of around 300 crores for 250 KLPD Ethanol Project in Haryana and 20 MTPD CBG Project. Land and all regulatory clearances are in place. (iv) Two more biodiesel projects are to be launched at Kharagpur and Fatehabad once Bhatinda facility becomes operational. So Company is upbeat on capex.
Last year BCL did an EBITDA of 200 crores which I expect this year to be 250 crores in spite of the first half being a challenging one with 113 crores.
Globus also will take some time to come back on rail.
Gulshan may get some support to their EBITDA if financial incentives are released by State Govts of MP and Assam.
Second half of FY 24-25 should be a better one as new crop has hit the market and price may remain somewhat contained.