Bandhan Bank - in a sweet spot?

Any updates on outlook after Q2 FY24 concall.

Hi, can anyone please share the registration link or connection details for todayā€™s Earnings Call?

85% has already paid by customer.
Pending amount Rs 3310cr.
bank has received 927 and 300cr additionally from customer and authority.
Now remaining amount is 2283cr. Bank has made provision 88% which comes to 2009cr.
Remaining amount is just 280cr. Calculated conservatively.
I am holding the shares.


NCGTC forensic audit of evergreen loans

Same issues are raised last year around April 2023.
Waiting for the outcome to size the issue (if they found any)


I am reading about this business and trying to answer the question - Why is the stock price under tremendous pressure? Few things that caught immediate attention were:

  • Lack of growth in Housing Finance portfolio: Merged GRUH, which had a portfolio of ~ā‚¹181 bn, in Dec19. GRUH as an independent company used to grow at ~20% CAGR, implying an expected loan book of ~ā‚¹375 bn by Dec23. However, overall Housing Asset as on Dec23 is ~ā‚¹284 bn. In the last 4 years, two heads for ā€˜Housing Financeā€™ have moved out.
  • Uncertainty due to the ongoing forensic audit initiated by National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd. (NCGTC).
  • Higher unsecured book | Geographical concentration | Loan book concentration: These 3 are being mitigated slowly by the management. However, they seem to be progressing slowly.

@manhar : Would appreciate your latest view since you would have reflected on this business for more than a year now.


Hi sir,
I sold them about a year back, I am not tracking them anymore.

The biggest learning for me was banking is like quick sand you donā€™t know the end, you donā€™t know how bad the book is , them moment you think thing are improving you are going deeper and deeper into the sand.

I though they were over provisioned and now we can see some write backs, lol a banker would never even in his dream writeback, max he can do is less provision next qtr

The point is I tried to predict the recover and my lesson was in banks the cycle are long donā€™t predict let them show some sigh of recovery, let them show 2 good qtrs, you donā€™t have to buy it at bottom, we can miss some 20%, 30% return

@Surender donā€™t have much to say on business , just these small learnings

Disc- sold 1yrs back


My few takes on banking / NBFC

  1. Financial industry is backbone of Indiaā€™s economy and their health/stability is important for economic growth to sustain.
  2. Hence these are highly regulated industry
  3. RBI is now continuously monitoring them to predict early warning signals and then reduce/mitigate any structural weaknesses that may arise.
  4. As per me this is good for long term sustained and stable growth (especially during downturn) of the economy and the banks as well.
  5. RBI is also ensuring that there is significant transparency and reasonableness to the charges they avail from clients, especially retail customers, this will show some dip in fee income from penal charges etc.
  6. The above points are giving me confidence of investing in low valued/corrected stocks like Bandhan.
  7. However donā€™t think sustainability of very high valuation (Bajaj Finance, for instance) in this segment is possible.
    Bandhan_Bank_13Mar24_Kotak_Inst.pdf (484.8 KB)

CEO Chandra Shekhar Ghosh resigns!

We will never know whether he resigned due to ā€œretirementā€ or RBI action forced him,seeing the performance of the bank in last few years and ngctc audit latter seems to have more weight because in 2021 they had sought a 5 year extension for his tenure but RBI granted only 3 years extension.

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Kotak Buy recco reason
We took a call to be positive on the bank based on the following metrics, but note that the current development would weigh in a little to our reasons.
(1) There has been an improvement in asset-quality metrics in recent quarters, though stress is still higher than peers. While we have no visibility on the outcome of the independent audit, we made a macro call that the microfinance industry is largely returning to normalcy and Bandhan would soon follow suit.
(2) The liability franchise was largely unaffected by this crisis.
(3) The bank was steadily strengthening its senior management team, and our recent conversation suggested that the current team has the requisite experience to carry the bank forward.
(4) Mr Ghosh would continue to oversee the bank.
(5) Bandhan Bank was relatively inexpensive (given the above factors) in the segment in which it is operating. The risk-reward appeared to be favorable.

Bandhan_Bank_08April2024_Kotak_Insti.pdf (455.2 KB)


Bandhan Bank Q4 Concall Summary

  • Expecting INR 60-80 crore from ARC (Asset Reconstruction Company) this year, which they sold last year.
  • Targeting 1.8% credit cost.
  • Targeting 18% growth in the overall loan book (14% for Emerging Entrepreneurs Portfolio (EEP)).
  • Targeting 5% Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) for EEP.
  • Confident about EEP.
  • Current Net Interest Margin (NIM) of 7.3% will face some pressure as they diversify.
  • Targeting 3% slippage ratio.
  • Operating cost is high for this fiscal year and will remain the same in the next fiscal year.
  • Expecting INR 1,200 crore recovery from audits (CGFMU).
  • Targeting 2.5% Net Non-Performing Assets (NNPA).
  • The portfolios written off are from the years 2019-20 and 2020-21 (pre-pandemic period).
  • The search for a new CEO is ongoing.
  • Expecting recoveries from written-off loans as frontline staff may not be aware that these accounts have been written off.
  • Individual EEP loan size is INR 1.5 lakh (50 basis points lower interest rate compared to Group EEP).

Disclosure - Not invested, worried about the asset quality as management is always optimistic and as the company is looking for a new CEO."