Avanti Feeds

Avanti admitted to dealings on the NSE (Capital Market segment) with effect from April 15, 2015. Cheers.

Source: http://www.nseindia.com/content/circulars/CML29429.zip

INDIA - Suryamitra Exim § Ltd., in conjunction with National Fish & Seafood (NFS), is Indiaâs second group to achieve the Global Aquaculture Alliance four-star Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) status for shrimp or any species.

Four-star BAP status denotes that the processing plants, farms, hatcheries and feed mills from which a group sources are BAP certified. Itâs the highest such achievement in the BAP programme.

Four-star BAP status was achieved once it was confirmed that Suryamitraâs BAP-certified farm, I. Surya Rao, sourced its feed from the BAP-certified Avanti Feeds Limited (Feed Unit 1 & 3) feed mill. Also certified is the companyâs Siddardha Hatcheries Private Limited hatchery.

The effort was coordinated by US-based NFS, a division of Pacific Andes International Holdings Limited, which sources shrimp from Suryamitra. Furthermore, the two companies are preparing to certify an additional 150 acres of farms, significantly increasing the groupâs offerings of four-star shrimp.

Early this month, Penver Products Ltd., in conjunction with NFS, became Indiaâs first group to achieve four-star BAP status for shrimp or any species.

âWith this four-star certification, Ganga Ram Irrinki of Suryamitra, James Baros and Mathews David of NFS, and the BAP staff have made a significant contribution in advancing responsible aquaculture in India,â said Jeff Sedacca, president of the shrimp division at NFS.

âThis achievement is the result of more than two years of dedicated work. We expect to expand our Suryamitra/National Fish four-star supply dramatically now that the first project has been successfully completed. We will jointly continue our work to help farmers, small and large alike, to improve Indian aquaculture.â

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TUF plans new shrimp processing plant via JV with Avanti. The new shrimp plant will have a production capacity of 15,000 tonnes per year, compared with 8,000 tonnes per year at the existing plant running under Avanti Feeds. It will require an investment of anywhere from 1crore to 2 crore. The EMS epidemic has wiped out two-thirds of Thailand’s shrimp. Thailand was producing about 650,000 tonnes annually three years ago. India and Indonesia have stormed ahead by increasing their sales from 80,000 tonnes to about 350,000 tonnes a year during the period. The situation has weakened the competitiveness of the Thai shrimp industry, which has the potential of processing a million tonnes per year - four times the current fresh-shrimp output. The last statement is important. It means that once Thailand market revives completely, it can spell trouble for Avanti.

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Sorry it was 10 million to 20 million USD. So investment is 60-120crore approx

News from last month, found it today:http://www.shrimpnews.com/FreeReportsFolder/NewsReportsFolder/USAdcFDAcrackdownOnAntibioticsMarch2015.html

With the March refusals, the FDA has refused 140 shrimp shipments for banned antibiotics in 2015. The total from the first quarter of 2015 represents more shrimp shipment refusals by the agency than any full year in the twelve-year period between 2002 and 2013. If the FDA continues to refuse shrimp import shipments at the current rateâjust under 47 per monthâlast yearâs record high of 208 such refusals will be surpassed by May 2015.

In March 2015, shrimp from five different countriesâMalaysia, India, Vietnam, China, and Indonesiaâwere refused because of veterinary drug residues. These refusals involved thirteen different companies in those five countries:

6). Avanti Feeds Limited(India), a company not currently listed on Import Alert 16-124, but listed on Import Alert 16-129 on March 26, 2015, fornitrofurans, had six entry lines refused for shrimp contaminated with veterinary drug residues at the Los Angeles District.

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Can this “Waterbase” a company again from AP coastal compare with Avanti in feed vertical? It is a competitor in the listed space

India is number one exporter of Shrimp to the US. Jan-Mar quarter saw a increase of 13% (YoY) in export to US. Read the report here.

This is a trailer to Avanti results on 9-May-15.

Excerpts from this news article:

Landings of Indian farmed vannamei had been expected to pick up from the beginning of May, but diseases and high temperatures have prevented this from progressing as planned.

White spot and ‘white muscle’ disease are both restricting harvests, two sources said, while one also added that high temperatures were resulting in higher levels of dissolved oxygen in the water, killing some shrimp.

This latter problem is mainly affecting farms in Bhimvaram, Andhra Pradesh, said Chaipat Kunapiwatkul, business development manager with Siam Canadian Group, a Bangkok, Thailand-based frozen seafood supplier.

By this stage of 2014, 40 and 50 count shrimp had begun being harvested, said Balasubramanian. “But now there isn’t any material available.”

Previously, in March, he had warned these diseases hitting Indian farmers were a serious problem.

“These are all very serious in terms of production; once the farmer loses the culture due to failures he might not come back [to the business]," he said, at the time.

“It involves too much investment for vannamei, and India has too many small farmers engaged in the aqua sector, unlike corporations in other countries. Another important point to mention is that a lot of investments flew to the aqua sector when prices were higher; now they all disappear once the price drops," said Balasubramanian.

IMO the prevailing lower international prices are not a bad thing long term for the Indian shrimp industry. It may wipe out high cost producers from the market thereby reducing overall production. However, news such as above, even though not threatening as of now, are of major impact and need to be tracked closely.

Disc: Major portion of my portfolio.

Results of Avanti Feeds to be anounced tomorrow. Consistent buying by promoters even in last week augurs well.I also like the fact Avanti always announces the results on Saturday away from the hustle and bustle of market.Its a sign of very ethical practice cementing already high reputation of Avanti promoters irrespective of numbers.

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Please find Avanti feeds Q4 results q4fy15.pdf (689.2 KB).

Revenue - 1776 | Growth - 57%
Net Profit - 115.5 | Growth - 65%

Can we project the future growth, given the capacities and would the company need more capex?



Is there a tussle on between TUF & Avanti on owning more stakes in the new capacity being put up?

Good results, I made up my mind that I am purchasing its cheaper yet equally capable younger brother Waterbase

Very decent set of numbers. Dividend payout is 20%, increased from Rs. 15 to 27.5 per share. It will be interesting to see what happens next quarter because of the high base effect. TUF plan to setup the shrimp processing plant may take a while. Keenly waiting for AGM comments

Landings of Indian farmed vannamei had been expected to pick up from the
beginning of May, but diseases and high temperatures have prevented
this from progressing as planned.
In Tamil Nadu, India’s second-largest shrimp farming region after
Andhra Pradesh, white spot has “wiped out” some farms’ stocks, according
to Durai Balasubramanian, secretary of the Pattukottai Shrimp Farmers
Association, which has 4,000 members.
“I believe the landing situation won’t improve until August; stocking
has been delayed due to disease and price uncertainty, and there are
lots of empty ponds,” he told Undercurrent.
“It involves too much investment for vannamei, and India has too many
small farmers engaged in the aqua sector, unlike corporations in other
countries. Another important point to mention is that a lot of
investments flew to the aqua sector when prices were higher; now they
all disappear once the price drops," said Balasubramanian.

Some data to chew on Avanti Feeds (attached spreadsheet). And what FY16 looks like - fiction material :slight_smile:
Avanti Feeds.xlsx (30.3 KB)


Hi Sandeep,

Thanks for the data. Although you have clearly mentioned that this is fictional, I personally feel that the projections for Avanti are futile. There are just too many variables and too less information available. I mailed the investor relations last year about capcity expansion plans but didnt get any response. My own plan is to take strict result based call and exit on first signs of slow down. The Q4 results have been good but the response from market has been neutral. I am curious to hear the management commentary and Q1 results.

Riveting storyline @lustkills :smile:

You have mentioned 75000 MT expansion in feed production per year. The answer to the question as to how long these incremental capacity get’s lapped up is going to decide when we need to start packing our bags! Shrimp processing and their retail venture seems to be going down in share of the overall numbers. While there is great demand for good Shrimp seeds, Avanti’s hatcheries seem to be taking ages to come online.

China produces over a million MT of shrimps. India is about a third of it and so maybe we can keep the Chinese numbers as the top limit? Due to BAP certification, Avanti may be in a position to command a premium but as you mentioned, I guess they may continue with their low margin strategy for some more time.

On second thoughts, having the Chinese production figures as target for India even as an overtly optimistic scenario is probably unrealistic.

Good points. How big is the market size for shrimp aquaculture production? Approx. 45L MT growing at ~8% (per the following charts). Decent size runway.

Source: http://aseanseafood.asia/ca339-n28826-global-shrimp-production-trends.htm


Opp size seems to increase with both new processing plants with focus on value added products and huge potential in domestic mkt and active TUF participation.


amazing - how did you put all of this together ? did you bake in the data manually from each of the AR’s