52 week highs and all time highs strategy

An interesting Fractal Pattern playing out in SULA vineyards:

  • Multiple Inverse H&S patterns, smaller ones broken out, larger one possibly forming. Recent IPO, so its a 3HR chart:

  • A similar Inverse H&S fractal played out very well in POWERMECH Projects:

Another example to highlight Fractal nature of patterns playing out is in Va Tech Wabag weekly chart,

  • Multiple year Inverse H&S patterns formed. The previous (2010-2014) broke out and gave an excellent move, the current (2018-2023 on going) is nearing breakout.
  • An excellent downward broadening wedge pattern can also be seen, and has given a breakout.
  • RSI breakout as well.

Another example of Fractal Nature of patterns, Liberty Shoes.

  • Multiple Multi Year Symmetrical Triangle formations and breakouts,
  • (Green) triangle led to a big move post breakout,
  • (Black) triangle, and given a breakout and a beautiful retest on low volumes and risen up again.

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