Wealth Wizards issue - Forbes India

Superb.awesome.You deserve it fully alongwith Hitesh Bhai.Keep up the good work.God Bless You.


In case anyone is looking for online issue



Congratulations to @Donald and @ayushmit

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Donald, Ayush, This may be the first (not sure about this), but not last (sure about this part) acknowledgment of your efforts.

What I would like about you and valuepickr culture is transparency.

Great Show :ok_hand:


Truly inspirational…congratulations to you as well as @hitesh2710…you guys have been a great guide and motivation for novice investors like me…Congratulations :smile:


Congratulations to Donald and Ayush… you both truly deserve this and much more for all the hard work and selfless work you and the senior team have put in helping small investors understand investing in a much better way.

Cheers to the Valuepickr team… :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


CONGRATULATIONS Wealth Wizards… feel proud to be associated!


Many many congratulations!!! Truly well deserved recognition


Hearty Congratulations!! This is an appreciation to your efforts to build a platform and share knowledge.

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Great show Donald and Ayush. The collaborative forum you have built is amazing and there is something for everyone out here.

Great to see the effort recognised. Wish you both and all the VP team the very best for taking this to the next level.



Congrats again to both of you, in the article @ayushmit says, it was a doctor who spotted Ajanta Pharma, which went on to became a muti bagger, we know who this doctor is @hitesh2710

Best Wishes to all of you and rgds


Thanks a lot for the outpouring of wishes and affection and belongingness.

Another feather in the cap for ValuePickr Community.
Credit to the entire VP Community and brilliant early collaborators like Hitesh Patel, Abhishek Basumallick and many others … Not to forget my Investment Guru…Dnyanesh Bhatavadekar …who challenged and provided us the brilliant roadmap to traverse the exciting … ART of Valuation …Journey!!

Here’s again to Ayush and the entire ValuePickr Community!!
A good start for the next 5 years in VP Journey. Hope we continue to raise the bar, continue to attract the best of Talent, and make a REAL IMPACT by 2020 - move from Advise to offering an Investment Vehicle to the Community
Wish us luck!


Dr Hitesh Patel could easily have been mentioned …as well as Astral but they had a word limit of 400 :frowning:

Dr & Ajanta Pharma survived …but Hitesh Patel and Astral got the cut :wink:

I still remember how every time Hitesh had to literally PUSH me into looking at his next promising stock. Astral … I woke up after 2 months of prodding…next time he got wiser (not for nothing he is our smartest stock pickr) …for Kaveri he called me up…“Donald, drop everything and read up on Kaveri” he thundered on a Friday evening. Such was his command, I really dropped everything on Saturday & Sunday…was inspired starightaway to try reaching Management from Monday …and same week was in Hyderabad …and met up for the first time with our Team Hyderabad stalwarts …Tirumal & Omprakash…both arrived within 30 mins of each other …neither knew the other …and then started the most inspiring of scuttlebutts in VP Journey !! stil get goosebumps …thinking of those field trips meeting dealers distributors, farmers, scientists, Competitor CXOs…Team Hyderabad …made every wish happen …like a dream :smile:

Sharing all of that at FLAME on 27th- 28th June - Ayush & me are presenting on the amazingly successful VP Journey, and why people collaborate … most in the industry can’t figure out, really :slight_smile: ??


Congrats Donald, Ayush, Hitesh and all valuepickrs.

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Heartiest congrats Donald Ayush Hitesh and the Valuepickr team.



Congrats Donald ,Ayush

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Congratulations!! Donald & Team VP for the well deserved recognition. Keep up the good work.

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Congratulations to Donald and Ayush for being featured in one of the most respected business magazine. You guys have been instrumental in encouraging many wannable investors to take a plunge through VP.
@Donald , as you said nothing is going to be complete without Dr. Hitesh Patel. He is simply a phenomenon.


Credit to the entire VP Community and brilliant early collaborators like Hitesh Patel, Abhishek Basumallick and many others … Not to forget my Investment Guru…Dnyanesh Bhatavadekar …who challenged and provided us the brilliant roadmap to traverse the exciting … ART of Valuation …Journey!!

@Donald…Hope now you have revealed Mr.D to the valuepickr group :smile:


Congrats guys. Well deserved.

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