Shemaroo Entertainment


Some more interesting data about Overall advertisement for India (being projected at around 13% for CY 2017) with Digital advertisement forecasted to grow at 25% in CY2017 reaching to Rs 9,144 Cr. The growth rate in digital advsertisement is expected to slow down from 43% in CY 2016 to 25% in CY2017.

Interesting to read impact of Demonetisation on Advertisement spend in Nov-Dec 2016 and also full recovery in advertisement spend by April 2017.

Shemaroo Management did highlighted lower ad spend as one reason for lower growth in Q3FY17 in conference call as per my memory.

Over the years, Share of digital advsetisement has increased from 1.8% in CY2007 to Projected 16.3%. Within a decade, it has become third largest category for advertisement, just behind TV and Print Media advertisement.

While the data for non-search (or online Vido streaming) is not differntiated for all the years, growth of search advsertisement is growing at lower rate then online video advertisement. In projection for 2017, Online Video ad would account for 10.5% of total ad spend while search ad would be balance 5.8% of Digital ad. Since Shemaroo fortune are directly linked to Video advsertisement, it would be interesting to see till what time Digital advertisement record around 25-30% growth rate as industry.

I am enclosing my working for everyone reference.