Resources on Self Help

Self help is often neglected area, personally I never spend much time in flipping through key books and resources which forced me on war footing during later part of life. Agree, a good number of self help books may be promotional heavy. But we know how to separate good from bad now.

I start with few, please add as required.

Rich Dad Poor Dad: Robert Kiyosaki

Elementary book but powerful, let you know difference between expenses and asset. Excellent pointers at personal financial planning and career plan.

Business Model You: Tim Clark/Osterwalder

Unlike the business compatriot this may not be that successful. But overall packaging into a diagram is excellent. It will help you put a map in few days for yourself.

One thing: Gary Keller

Brilliant book for changing habits. I have applied few, highly practical. For example I used the concept to, how to avoid watching stock prices continuously.

Barking up the wrong tree: Eric Barker

Included this as it sets you to contrarian philosophy. Helps in breaking unwanted beliefs.

yes plenty of choices there, I am looking out for missing ones which are good as well. This is one area I am pretty miserable. Please educate me.

This one from Prof Raja Sekharan will help you a lot in understanding your present financial position and he will take you step by step to make a financial planning . Main point is even a beginner will understand his language pretty well . I highly recommend it for beginners who hasnt even looked upon planning yet.The importance of Passive Income is very well explained.

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Good number of value investors are reserved people with low profile. This book might help them to know themselves better.

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Tools of Titans: Timothy Ferris

Although Tim could have concise the book to some extent, still nuggets from biggies are too useful to read and implement.

Bounce:Bounce: The Myth of Talent and the Power of Practice By Matt Syed

A footballer busting myth of so called talent.

Mastery: Robert Greene

Ultimate book by Greene who dissected block by block story of achieving mastery with facts. A no nonsense book, has helped me a lot.

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Scott Adams

Though Scott has written humorously, straight to the point. Pumps you even in midnight.


The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

All time classic, a must read. Know how habit is formed, changed and managed.

Think Grow and RIch by Napoleon Hill

One of the best books on self help and philosophy. Starts with Carnegie philosophy moves to Edison etc. Essential book.

How to get lucky by Max Gunther

Luck is a function of discipline and hard work, Max Gunther dissects beautifully.

The magic of thinking big by David Schwartz

If I am feeling low, I open this. I know some of the ideas are over the counter, after reading I always felt pumped up.

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