PC Jewellers

All these things doest not matter once u realized u cannot “TRUST” the management, as the price on screen saying this all since the last three months…

Think this way: When u r buying any stock, u r part of business. In doing business, u realized your partner is cheating, it does not matter at all how they are doing business…

To put it in very harsh words: How one can sleep (read as doing business) with someone, once known that they are cheating or trying to cheat behind u r back…

First Denial…then finding reasons defending the company… then more smoke comes out…then trying to find facts…then story becomes ugly…then acceptance…booking loss… and then…realization and lesson learned.

so if u smell or smoke any thing especially small or midcap companies, if u have higher allocation, which effects u r PF and returns, then just get out first, and try to do the above para/process to protect our gains.