There has been several complaints from discerning senior readership of VP, that the discussion quality is deteriorating fast - too much of non-value additive comments or worse, dogmatic one-sided, one-upmanship posts/counter posts that are cluttering up many threads - classic examples being Kitex, Just Dial, Kaveri Seed, and some more …
So much so that folks are getting turned off - from posting/reading their or others distilled thoughts - because it all gets drowned in this one-upmanship opinion-bazi violence as we are calling it …If this is not nipped in the bud, this could be something that alters the very character and charm of VP. we are being alerted.
It has not gone un-noticed that in some cases, Managements/their actions are directly being written about as if one is sure these are outright Frauds. Strong views/counter-views are welcome in any debate - but we need to rise above cheap levels - and bring a modicum of rationality back to dissecting issues at hand - with a view to taking them to a logical conclusion - we are not here to deliver Verdicts, are we? and that too repetitively, ad nauseum !! (what is more galling, folks are doing this without visiting the company, without meeting the management and confronting them, without doing any real diligence on the ground that can stand its test).
Please note that Moderators have been empowered to
- Delete unnecessary/irrelevant/zero-value addition comments
- Identify and warn the worst repeat offenders (this is already on)
- Go through and wield the axe retrospectively (even in borderline cases, and perhaps at the cost of some unavoidable deletion of valuable discussion inputs/pointers)
Don’t forget Every Member is empowered to FLAG - If the above resonates with you, please do your bit to help us keep VP’s charm intact. By all means be gentle and kind, but be firm in messaging the defaulters, and unrelenting with your flagging. If you do care, you should also do this with retrospective effect !
All for a good cause, for a “Swatchh” VP a cleaner, more responsible VP !!