FEP-ENM or Cefepime/Enmetazobactam to be sold under brand name Exblifep has good efficacy in certain class-A beta-lactamases but overall its performance is comparable to Piperacillin/tazobactam (sold as Zosyn and gone off-patent in '23) which again is comparable to meropenems. These are not effective in MBL-producing strains is what the studies say.
WCK 5222 or FEP-ZID has efficacy against all classes of ESBL and carbapenamase producers (see FEP-ENM column and compare against FEP-ZID 1:1 column to get an idea). Bold text with or without greater-than signs mean those variants are resistant to the drug in that particular column.
Exblifep will be competing against a generic Zosyn and meropenem and odds of it being priced higher than these are slim since efficacy is equivalent. WCK 5222 is more comparable to CAZ/AVI (Avycaz) or ATM/AVI and is showing in studies that it is even better than those as its mode of operation is completely novel (BLE) compared to anything that currently exists.
If anything the royalty that Orchid can make can give us a good idea of what to expect with WCK 5222 (it has to be few times better than FEP-ENM)