What information I can extract from this Cash Flow data

You emphasized reading about management and knowing it. I was skipping going into detail about it.

@Surender, yes, I missed that. I bookmarked that website and read one-two and done.
Now, easy to read in detail about accounting. But I will sure complete the list you have given. Thank you.

@bheeshma, I recalled my programming days. I was into web development, so those where in my mind when learning/working on SEO.

I am looking for easy to read book. I currently don’t want to learn as much as a Chartered Accountants. Just enough to understand and broadly filter crooks. I try to buy turnaround companies so I need to know little more than the style I follow to check companies. Something, like 10+2 standard books on subject of deciphering companies balance sheet written for investors in mind. Though, not sure if that will cover cross examining of various terms, the question I had asked here.

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This book you and @Surender both has mentioned. You has emphasized it much. I have not read any book on financial till date. I read book on stock (Example The Intelligent Investors- Benjamin Graham).

Thank you.

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I have bought this book - How to read a financial report - Tracy and Tracy.

It is a perfect book for investors.

Thank you again for such nice suggestion.

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Nice thread Satya ji,

Value addition from Mr. Surender and Deepak makes it more valuable. After reading thread I have also started reading “How to read financial reports by Tracy” book. I am from non-financial background. Won’t understand or remember many accounting terms. I m also looking for simple analysis that will help me to identify good business at valuable price.

I feel only P/E and PEG ratio won’t help to decide the stock there must be more than that otherwise there are lots of screener available and one can easily put criteria and invest. Hope after reading this book will help. I tried to read The Intelligent Investor but it was very hard to understand.


@Surender Thank you very much Surender ji for the wonderful links.