What if we dont find any gold underground ? (A Rational calculation attempt)

Niice visualization on Total Gold. that i came across

So far total identified gold on earth: 254296 tonnes, of which 79.15% are out of ground. 20.84% below ground.

once these identified gold reserves 20.84% are mined. gold will increase rapidly more than the rate that we are seeing now. so this thread is about keeping a close watch on this year on year.

  • We are talking about only identified gold mines. no one is sure about how many are yet to be identified.

Deman and supply by World Gold Council.

53000 tonnes on the ground.
take for example ~3600 tonnes mine production yoy. (much lesser that what we see the chat)
we will be out of gold in ~14.7 years max.

do we live to see gold skyrocket?
elon musk/ his counter parts will mine gold from asteroids?


I am personally extremely Bullish not just on Gold but also Silver and other base metals. The way we are seeing extreme money printing by USA & High Debt levels, both globally and the way Japanese Yen is collapsing against the dollar.

There is increasing chance that the treasuries will soon not be viewed as a safe & stable asset. There is no alternative except GOLD.

Forget about getting out of gold in 15 years, What if the demand doubles the next year in Anticipation??? We will run out of Gold Mining within 7 years or less. I dont know how things will PAN OUT, but there seems to be a sense of urgency in Central Banks around the world to lap up Gold & Silver. Especially Russia, China & India.

I think there is a huge opportunity lying in abduance and nobody is aware. well not many.