Today VP audience and readership consists of different kinds of folks with possibly different ideas of how to use a platform like VP to the best advantage.
Should you want to just POINT to a new idea with growth momentum or turnaround in fortunes, or change in Management, etc and find that there is no existing thread on that, please use the Company Q&A section, that is free-format and does not impose any limitations. This section is for those who feel they are unable to find time/put in effort to analyse in-depth, but would still like to point to a promising opportunity for the Community to take forward.
Once such a thread in the company Q&A section finds interest and there is some meat in the discussions, it will happen organically that someone else who has the passion will consolidate arguments/counter-arguments and initiate a proper discussion on the opportunity in the Stocks Opportunity section.
Stocks Opportunity section - is known for quality/rigour of analysis. In that section we will insist on the Idea Initiator to take RESPONSIBILITY, and
a) write a balanced initial post - adhering to VP Guidelines
b) respond/examine counter-arguments (to one’s invested/tracking ideas)
c) make the TIME to work further on his/her proposed idea in collaboration with others
We expect everyone to respect/adhere to VP Guidelines - it is for our own good. If you are a responsible member, you will not expect other members/moderators/admin to clean up after you.