Vinay Ambekar's portfolio

hi - my portfolio is attached in word file. formatting was getting lost if i copy pasted in this block. hence the attachment. would request views please. many thanks.

VA-portfolio.docx (16.9 KB)

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your portfolio looks quite good with a heavy TED and some valuepickr flavor.

your target of 25% cagr looks achievable.



Thankyou Hitesh. Am still trying to decide which camp I belong to - that of Ayush, Donald, yourself and similar, who have done great with diversified portfolios; or someone like Prasad and others who have the confidence in concentrated portfolios. Unless I come across a new investment idea where i would like to invest, i guess all new money would be going into these stocks itself with preference for the more performing ones. currently, am thinking hard on kewal kiran and whirlpool, whihc are in very competitive sectors with innumerable players, and these are not sector leaders yet. Same for wimplast too. however, their records till now have made me invest in them, so as not to lose the opportunity incase i am proven wrong (as i have been many times before). being from finance field (decade old corporate banker) i feel that i am relatively better than earlier (still long way to go however) at knowing which stocks have good financials. i have paid my share of fees to the market too with some dud investments whihc i am in the proces of cleaning up (losses are too big). now trying to learn the β€œart” part of investing from this wonderful site. also, have realised the importance of reading books suggested here (thanks kushal for getting me started on this) and learning from the masters.

i have asahi songwon as a short term trading bet in my portfolio. its sees price ranges and i have traded the bounces a couple of times in the past. hence when i came to the lower level of the trend, i entered. i havent seen much coverage of this company. its a plain vanilla chemicals company. but manufactures pigments which have wide usage. earns almost 80% from exports, and has a marque clientele like Clariant Pigments and DIC (Japan). came across below views from Rajen Shah of Angel Broking, who gives some insights from management interaction and plant visit. the company recently had a planned shutdown for 15 days to debottleneck, whihc is expected to improve productivity. for this Q also the performance might remain subdued. but i believe the price captures the negatives.

interesting tid-bits on promoter of Asahi Songwon.

what kind of company is h tis asahi ssongwon?

Oh, that was long time back. It met my target and I got out, and then stopped following it.

I understand they hived off their CPV Segment into a separate company called Akshar Chem in which they also manufacture Vinyl Sulphone. It was run by a mother and her 2 sons. I may be completely wrong, but I think this hive off was to create 2 companies for her 2 sons.

Hello Mr. Vinay,

Have read couple of your nice posts across the forum.
Are you comfortable sharing your latest portfolio?
