Varanium Cloud SME, the next Brightcomm Group?

Unfortunately, due to the lot size, I got into a trap. Now finiding investors having 1000 shares. :roll_eyes:

Go to money control board, u will find too many


This is the reason why valuepickr is my go to forum for significant margin of safety in making investment decisions


Hi, the company has called to pay the balance amount to convert partly paid to fully paid shares. Post payment of this amount, will these shares be traded in lot sizes? If yes, lot size will remain the same as 1200 nos.? Any idea?

found in one above articles link

They have started doing good PR again. Started seeing posts on LinkedIn and facebook wrt to the new BPO they opened in Sawantwadi. Stock also went up 25% since Jan 1. Those looking to exit can do so with another bumper (cooked) Q3 result.


Don’t know what they are doing but they have shifted everything into subsidiaries. Last quarter Standalone=Consolidated. This quarter standalone is negligible with a loss.


How long can this sustain? No one knows.


Showing business in subsidiaries is the best way to fool people specially foreign subsidiaries. One can raise bills and show revenue and once the objective of raising more money or money siphoning is done through expenses and business loans simply write off the receivables.

Another 8K miles, this guy is a bigger fraud :joy::joy:

As on now Market is rewarding this Fraudulent Company with Upper Circuits.

Tells you which kind of rally we are in.

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Promoter holding down 27% QoQ. :rofl:


Sebi sleeping like always.

If I am not wrong SME companies are not regulated by SEBI.

SME companies are regulated by SEBI.

But they probably feel, its not worth it to allocate resources to SME investigations. Instead bringing in regulations that make it difficult for uninformed investors to invest in SMEs would be a right way to tackle the issue. Thus the higher subscription value for SME IPOs, trades to be only facilitated in lots etc.

For those who are still invested. Promoter defaulted over 50Crore payment.

Company market cap went from 800 Crore to 200 Crore in the last 6 months.
SEBI didn’t do anything, but HC did.


The Cloud has finally burst!

If the existing Shareholders still don’t exit, God knows what is wrong with them.

I had warned investors at moneycontrol when it was trading at 200 however was blamed and named as operator​:joy::joy:


There is no option to exit. My father have 400 shares of rights issue and lot is of 1000. Not sure how exchange and sebi allowed buyback and rights of sme companies which are traded in lots. Now many people have shares in odd number.

Is this not fault of regulator?

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Did you try finding more people like you? Need to transfer the shares into one demat account through CDSL and exit somehow.