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Recently there has been a spate of bad news in the Credit Rating agency space. A link posted by Vivek suggests that these cos have let us down.

However, a little bit of Bayes type probabilistic thinking would have led to a surprising finding perhaps tempering the blame game a little bit - not completely though.

Even if the rating agency is very accurate in giving a good rating to companies that won’t default, there is a reasonably high chance that cos who defaulted had a good rating

The question is thus, given that a company has defaulted, what is the probability that it had an excellent rating?

Turns out that, that probability is 9%. That means that ~10% of all the defaults will probably have good credit ratings.

Data collected from CRISIL Default Study report 2018 contains the necessary data that we can plug into a Bayes type analysis.

Data source :

As per CRISIL, the overall default rate is 4.4%

They have given CDR (Cumulative Default Rate) data only uptil 3 years but on page 19 they mention the average time to default for AAA rated instruments as 177 months. But since there is no data beyond 3 years I will take 3 years.

The crux is this, “Good” ratings are those which are in the “A” category ( AAA,AA and A) and Bad ratings are the ones in the B&C category ( BBB,BB,B and C).

To cut a long story short, based on the data above suggests 1.1% default within 3 years even for the rockstars ( that itself is disturbing)

Here is the probability distribution. I have assumed a 50:50 split between the bad rating and good ratings.

Item Default No Default Total
Bad Rating 10.0% 90.0% 50.0%
Good Rating 1.0% 99.0% 50.0%
Total 5.5% 94.5% 100.00%

Bayes theorem says that

P(Good Rating given that you have Defaulted) = P(Good Rating)* P(Default given that you have a Good Rating)/P(Default)


0.5*0.01/0.055 = 9%

Even though credit ratings agencies are generally very good at assigning ratings given and 99% of AAA rated cos dont default , the probability that a co which has defaulted with good credit ratings is still ~10%

For Bayes, one could possibly go to ( a good source as well)
