Valuepickr Patna

Dear All,

There are many ValuePickr members are meeting together in many cities for learning purpose. I was wondering if there are some from Patna. If yes, I would like to connect with like minded people. Please send a Direct Message to me with below details

Mobile number:
Location :

(Note: Do not put your mobile number in the thread here!)
If there are few, we can from a whatsapp group and then can formalize the group and regular meeting to exchange ideas and notes.

I am working in Patna for the last one year.

Please add a message without contact number in this group as well for network effect.


Thank you Alok K Sahi for direct Message.


@grv29a @pranay2k2 @deevee Thank you DM.

Let us give few more days.Those from other parts of Bihar also welcome to join.

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Since many of the forum users are not resident in Patna or nearby areas we did not do any initiatives. Recently I left Patna and back to Kerala. So, If there is anyone like to take this forward, please let me know. Else, this thread will be deleted in few days.