I am into investing and trading for the past 4 years. Recently, I have come across 2 unusual stocks(behavior) when I was scouting for new ideas for trading and I thought I would open a new topic to
Get the feedback from other community members about this (unusual)behavior and if it is making sense or not
Share these things with other community members and alert them if the growth is unusual
First stock : KKRRAFTON Developers Ltd
52w Low/52 W High : 14.6/217
Stock P/E : 638
Netprofit : 3.33 cr(positive after almost 10 years)
Negative cash flow
cash conversion cycle : 1754 days
Shareholding public : 100%
Second stock : Kaycee Industries ltd
52w Low/52 W High : 8,020/44,775
Market Cap : 217cr
Stock P/E : 60
Netprofit : 1.57 cr
cash flow : 0.66cr
What is the trigger for this stock to go from 8,020(already high price) to 44,775(very very high)
52W low/52W High : 163/2500
Net cash flow : 1 cr(2023)
No.of shareholders : 706(Interestingly there is an NGO , Touch a life foundation , which is a public shareholder with ~9%
Thanks for noting this scrip KDL, Bala. What’s interesting is that 98.04% of the ownership is in the hands of 23 shareholders, each owning between ~10 to 60L shares EACH, leaving only ~17L in the hands of the true “public”.
I’m not well informed to comment on the technicals, but overall, the info on this company seems very obscure.
Next steps - I’m trying to figure out the price at which the 23 shareholders will draw the line as to avoid excess attention. They can virtually stop this rally at any point by deciding to sell even a small part of their holdings.
Disclosure: invested in KDL since Rs. 188 levels in August.
Thanks for sharing this. Quite interesting to note that public shareholding is 100% ! It definitely sounds to me as red flag, as promotors have no vested interest in the company. But can this have a counter view? Keen to know other side.