I don’t know if I am interpreting this correctly but…
Besides selling only 50 % instead of the earlier announced 80, and retaining management control Mr. Vageria now says this situation will remain for 3 years at least and then “We’ll see…”. The buyer is referred to as “investor” meaning one having only financial interest and not strategic. Mr. Vageria dwells at length on increasing potential in the region. Even with other overseas territories, Mr. Vageria has said (elsewhere) he is 'not desperate to sell’. Overall, the language seems to indicate they will go slow on the overseas divestment plans, do it selectively while retaining management control and consolidating the numbers into TTL. If I remember correctly, earlier the stated intent was to sell 80 % and focus on “core business in India”, implying forget overseas. That may no longer be the case now.
Any views?