The Anti-Portfolio


I do my investments with only very basic research, trying to find fast movers, with good conviction level and low downside risk (naturally!) Usually do not do the ground work myself but depend largely on the community. I do not take investing that seriously, to the point that slow growth or little loss is ok with me. Hence diversifying now (and increasing quality) to reduce the risk of errors in judgement!

I am financially atma-nirbhar now, the point is to relax, investing will become even more of a time-pass, god willing! Even 2% pa returns now would be more than my last 9-5 job :relaxed:


Abu reason for addition of praj at current prices.

I looked at praj , but the validations did not give much comfort so I have so treasures away so far.

Just wanted to pick your brains on how you look at validations

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Great buddy… Congratulations :blush: for achieving financial freedom


Congrats for FI.
What is ur folio size wrt your annual salaried income ? Ie 10 time , 100 times?

Very candid disclosure for sure, Enjoy your freedom Sir, Cheers!

@ek_chom I think you can take an educated guess from this line.


Thanks. I had thought about it.
However my reason to ask was different.
A swing would reduce folio by magnitude ( of CTC), like 10% causing 3 yr worth CTC loss. How does one handle the emotion out in those scenario?

I am also not sure, hence kept the position small, but want to look at the long-term trend in using biomass based alternative energy sources. It benefits farmers and fits the ecological agenda, plus maybe financially sound, given India’s import bill. The ethanol/biogas policy ramping up happened when OPEC has been non-cooperative, almost in reply to Saudi mocking of Indian request for moderate pricing. It helps lift farming/rural incomes and has the green side to it. EV tech, lithium or hydrogen based, means revamping the existing transport tech, easier said than done, will not be easy to scrap current ICE tech. Ethanol/biogas fit almost seamless into the current tech environment. Praj is the leader in the biomass-to-energy tech.

Disc: Bought a CNG vehicle, enjoying it very much!


The swing cannot be so great to cause any big issues. I had explained the magnitude in terms of last drawn salary. But this salary was more than enough to cover expenses and do savings also, roughly in equal proportions. So my current folio size is ~100 times my yearly expenses. This gives sufficiently large margin of safety. Hopefully my investing style cannot be so bad, after all, that the drawdown will be that big. I am trying to be more defensive now :crossed_fingers: :grinning:



Congratulations… you are inspiration to me…:to reach to that level

How many years it took to reach this level… I mean to cagr

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Hi Vikas, can you please elaborate on your rationale for investing in Marksans Pharma? After reading an old news item posted by a VPer regarding the way the FCCB holders were made to take a haircut, I thought an informed investor like you would be wary.

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Hi Vikas
Im relatively new to the VP forum and have been following you for about 2 - 3 months.
Can you help me understand reason for adding Valiant when it is in a downtrend?


Wow this is an achievement many would dream of! Curious people think of becoming full time investors with 25 times yearly expenses portfolio size and you have 4 times of that…so are you planning to be a full time investor now or in near future?



Bought SAIL, 2% of folio value, sold off in decreasing order of amount Shakti, Bajaj steel, Manorama, Expleo, Pix trans, GNA, Filatex, a little of RACL, Kopran, Bajaj health, Valiant and Vipul


Thanks! :slight_smile: Roughly the CAGR is 50% for past 4 years, while investing directly. Before that was in mutual funds for 2-3 years. My entire working career has been 7 years. I have followed a 300% style of investing mostly, meaning, 100% invested in equities, 100% of the time with 100% of my networth.


Yes, knew about it, does not look good, and that explains the lack of enthusiasm for the stock. Maybe I made a mistake, but I do not rate corporate morals too highly (unless shareholder un-friendly), we make money from all kinds of dealings black and white and everything in between. Have kept the exposure to the stock small enough, smallest among my pharma holdings. People and companies can change maybe? :crossed_fingers:

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Hi Keval,

That was the idea, to buy it on the cheap, I had hoped for strong support at 1400 mark, but looks like that has also been broken :neutral_face: They may make money from agri inputs and surge in Paracetamol API prices, hopefully some capacities come online soon enough.

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Hi Vikas what is the time frame you are looking to hold sail and any levels pls share

Thanks! Yes, full time investing is the idea, but I am not spending too much time on investing activity. I do not like investing that much, have only read a handful of ARs, have stopped tracking many blogs and channels, have put the portfolio on auto-pilot mode. Idea is to look more towards consistent compounders and overall business quality, so that churn is not required that often, thus less effort is required and downside risk is also less.


Incredible journey, really impressive performance

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Am trying to look at a year’s time frame for gains, and see 200 as mid-term target. Roughly the estimated valuation in PE terms (based on industry, historical, market trend etc.) together with projected earnings trend and then matching it with the stock price to see the upside left.