Techknowgreen Solutions Ltd

About the company: Incorporated in 2001, Co is one of the first companies in India to provide environmental IT solutions through software applications and compliance solutions, with 20+ years of experience in executing 2,500+ projects using cutting edge technology.

Service Offerings: Consulting: Services: Environmental assessments, compliance, due diligence, design. Info Tech: Wastewater management, air quality solutions, solid waste solutions, remediation, IT, applications, and IoT, for environmental and compliance needs.

Research Policy & Engineering: Offerings encompass CCUS, Blue Carbon modelling, Carbon sink, methane neutrality, Climate resilience, Wastewater trading, circular wetland tech, NBS, surveillance, Compliance monitoring, Big data, CBA, analysis of Alternatives & policy screening.

Industry catered to: Infrastructure, Chemical, Automobile, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Data Centre, Info tech industries, Real estate national/state government.

Clientele: Government, semi-government organizations, MNCs, large companies, mid-size companies & MSMEs & more.

Words from the management side-

Based out of Pune, Techknowgreen Environmental Solutions was earlier a partnership company which was formed in 2001. And in January 2023, it converted into a publicly-limited company. And in September 2023, got listed as the first environmental consultancy firm which are providing all So environment-related integrated services all across India.

It basically work in three verticals.

First is consulting, wherein it provide two types of services. First is regulatory services, wherein all permit-related services, as well as audit, cost- benefit analysis, then due diligence, all these services cover as a technical part of environmental aspects, wherein the standards laid down by statutory bodies are verified and see to that clients adhere to those standards. So that comes under the regulatory part of it. SEBI has given a guideline for first 1,000 companies to do their sustainability reporting. TSL is part of it. It is providing those kinds of services. In addition to that, it is also working on carbon capture, carbon credit and net zero plans. It has also got an order from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board for 4,300 cities to prepare their carbon action plan for the neutralization of carbon. So that is under sustainability part of under consulting.

Second is technology, which further gets bifurcated into two parts. One is implementation part of it and second is information technology. So under implementation, it deals with different kinds of pollution problems, such as wastewater treatment, so domestic as well as affluent wastewater treatment. In addition to that, air pollution on urban as well as industrial scale, but solid waste management and other related services with respect to the new notifications. So that is what it works in implementation. It has recently got a patent on its name for circular economic wetland technology. And it has also developed one product known as Yuka Yantra for urban air hotspot air pollution management. So that is control equipment, that is basically, which also got approved by Maharashtra Technical Committee and it is providing that particular product to different CSR as well as to different industrial clients as well. In information technology, it is the first company who is working with respect to information using the information technology tools for environmental compliances. So it has developed certain apps as well as software’s for monitoring as well as compliance of the environmental standards. So that is about information technology.

And third is the research wherein it works on engineering part of it and policy part of it. So different policies which government are coming up with. So whatever cost benefit analysis or a social impact assessment kind of a study or how that policy will serve for the betterment of the society, that kind of study it does under policy basically. And related to engineering, it carries out all problem statement idemnified from the market that what problems basically industries are facing, and government are facing. It comes up with the solutions to basically deal with that. In addition to that, it also serves almost 18 sectors across the market.

Disc- Invested.

Note - This is first time I have created a new topic., So, please point me out, if I missed something.

I think, this company has huge potential, but them are some points to be noticed.

While going through DRHP, I found out that compant has filed 5 cases, in which case no. MH/26/M/PNE/01529, against Delhi Jal board where it has Rs. 43100000 approx and I think same was falling under 2020-21 accounting year when it sales was approx Rs. 78100000. On the msme website case is still pending, There are 2 cases more with smaller amount.

Yesterday, I mailed to company about the same, for which I received prompt reply from the company side ( Copying and pasting content. )

Dear Sir,

Thank you so much for writing to us. I am really glad to know your interest in TSL.

The case you are referring is still pending & there has been to & for exchange of information as well as a few hearings through MSME and we are awaiting logical conclusion to the case which is surely expected to be in our favour since the work was already done on site and due to certain administrative approvals and protocols.

There are no other cases as such regarding payment from Government or semi governments other than those listed in the DRHP.

As rightly referred by you I had mentioned that TSL is comfortable working with government & semi government organizations since the allotted funds are all paid in time and other than the case referred no other concerns have been ever addressed as such in TSL’s working with government agencies.

TSL has 64 staff members with additional 12 empaneled experts but I am not sure what capacity utilization means in this case.

I hope this shall settle your queries and I shall be glad to be of any further support in case if you wish to connect with Management of the Company.

Thanks & Regards

Vinayak Chindak

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Techknowgreen Solutions Limited

Mob No: 9607002553/8888995928

Kindly, note that being a microcap, there is low CFO / PAT ratio, but I think it can be ignored for now.

My views can be biased.

( Words from the management side during IPO. )

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