Tata Teleservices - is it a revival story?

I just wanted to throw this topic out in the open on this forum to solicit the views from the members. While Tata Tele stock has been on just a decline trend after the 2008 GFC, I had lost interest in the name after the exit of DoCoMo and the sale of their consumer mobile business to Airtel for nothing. However the stock has recently caught solid tailwind and has risen almost 3X since October from 2.75 to 7.60.

Now interestingly, the fundamentals continue to show the dismal trend of falling revenues and continuing losses. The revenues of the company are not enough to meet even the interest expenses. Below a snapshot of P&L (courtsey screener.in)

While there is nothing fundamental on the books to justify such a meteoric rise, rumors are (as per printed media) that Tata group is planning to revive Tata Tele by using its consumer telecom expertise to launch the so-called SuperApp which will be the e-commerce interface to sell all Tata group products directly to consumers. Pls see the below link:

I do not take all such media inputs on face value, however it has got me thinking if there is any real opportunity here. What if Walmart actually ends up putting billions into this SuperApp inorder to rival Amazon in India’s fast growing consumer market. What if Tata Group sees global interest in this SuperApp following the footsteps of Jio?.

I request members to kindly share their views and intel on this stock and business opportunity. While I will continue to do my own digging, views from this forum will be greatly insightful. Thanks