Tanla Platforms ~ Leading player in the fast-growing CPaaS market

@Rahul_Monkvestor you are essentially screening for PE<18 ( which in today’s day and age will mostly give you cyclicals, financials or companies which may be struggling for some temporary reason or just bad companies (and which the market judges as bad).


Agreed, @basumallick Sir.

The point I was trying to convey is that a platform business, particularly one in the rapidly growing CPaaS market (projected to grow at a 20% CAGR, as shown in the attached snippet), at a P/E ratio of 16.8, can typically only be available when growth has temporarily slowed down.

Furthermore, Tanla holds a 35% market share in CPaaS, and with the market size expanding, I believe it may be a strategic decision to invest in the sector leader. This is why I allocated 2% of my portfolio to this company. I will only consider increasing my investment if there are positive signals, either fundamentally or technically.

As for the list of companies I shared, my intention was to highlight those that fit the category of beaten-down stocks due to a subdued outlook in their respective industries. In contrast, CPaaS is a sector showing strong growth potential.

These are my personal insights based on my research, and I welcome any differing opinions or thoughts.

I also encourage any feedback or suggestions regarding my posts. I am committed to adhering to all community guidelines and appreciate your support in helping me stay aligned with the group’s standards.

Disclaimer - Invested in Tanla around 2% of entire portfolio, might increase allocations with any positive fundamental or technical cue.

Trai’s mandates Telecom companies in India for voice and SMS-only tariff packs

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India mandated that the trail of all messages from Senders/Principal Entities to Combat Spam Calls and SMS

TRAI issued Direction on 20th August 2024 and mandated that the trail of all messages from
Senders/Principal Entities to recipients must be traceable from 1st November 2024

Principal Entities opportunity

Principal Entities (PEs):

Principal Entities are businesses or organizations that send promotional messages to consumers. These include:

  • Banks and financial institutions
  • E-commerce platforms (e.g., Amazon, Flipkart)
  • Government and non-government services (e.g., utilities, public health services)
  • Telecom providers themselves (e.g., for their own customer notifications)
  • Insurance companies
  • Education and coaching institutes
  • Retailers and brands
  • Political parties (for campaign messages)
  • Advertising agencies

Trubloq - Blockchain-Enabled Spam Protection

Wisely ATP - Anti - Phishing Platform

As far I researched no one has this capability yet except tanla, they have been proactive on this, positive news.

It seems everything is good for tanla, if they deliver good results in upcoming quarters, we should start seeing the upmoves this counter deserves

@nirvana_laha your current take/commentary will be appreciated, looking forward to it , thanks

Disclaimer - Invested in Tanla and ROUTE, trying not to be biased


Stagnant Topline for over a year now.


Does someone know if the digital platforms business is under standalone entity or under one of the subsidiaries? If in a subsidiary, which one?