Sunil's Portfolio


Posting my portfolio. Please provide feedback.

Dhanuka - 15% Buy Price -164

VST Tillers - 15% Buy Price -656

FDC - 15% Buy Price -114

Geometric - 10% Buy Price - 85

JB Chem - 10% Buy Price - 114

Amara Raja Bat - 10% Buy Price - 335

Mayur - 5% Buy Price - 340

PI - 5% Buy Price - 210

Orbit Exports - 5% Buy Price - 100

Kaveri Seeds - 5% Buy Price - 1550

Tata Steel - 5% Buy Price - 361

I’m am thinking of removing Tata Steel, FDC and adding more PI, HDFC, Muthoot Capital.




Current portfolio | Percentage | Avg Buy Price

Canfin Homes | 28 % | 589
HMVL | 9 % | 245
Ambika Cotton | 8 % | 828
Atul Auto | 8 % | 405
Oriental Carbon | 7 % | 508
Ajanta Pharma | 7 % | 822
NESCO | 6 % | 1600
Motherson | 5 % | 235
PI Ind | 5 % | 600
Gruh, Cera, Axis, Yes, Indraprasta gas, Zydus, BBTC | (1 to 4)%

Rationale behind holding companies

Canfin - Fast growth HFC, low npas, Long runway still ahead of HFC’s. Got to enter at reasonable price.
HMVL - Good cash flows, Increase in front page ad spending, Increase in readership. Valuation bit reasonable compared to peers.
Ambika Cotton - Consistent lowering debt, consistent profit growth, trust in management, Somewhat undervaluation.
Atul Auto - Debt free generating good cash flows, petrol and cng versions about to pick sales, good management with good track record.
Oriental carbon & chem - Consistent free cash flows, Increasing radialization, closely guarded technology. Expecting steady growth
Ajanta pharma - No need to explain i think
NESCO - Purely techno funda bet. 50 day EMA crossing 200 day EMA
Motherson - Friend suggested who works in mahindra & mahindra supply department and is closely working with motherson.
PI indus - Technial bet

Gruh Cera - Want to add more but still waiting for suitable entry price.
Indraprasta - Purely technical, resistance broken recently.
BBTC - Holding play (britannia)

Request to please review and suggest if I am making any wrong assumptions or should I alter any holdings.