Stocks that offer regular 1% Dividend & steady growth of > 15%

Hey Guys

I am looking to start a sip on stocks that give dividend yield of atleast 1% and steady stock price growth of atleast 15% in the past 3 and 5 years. The following come to mind

Co- -5year return -dividend yield (5 year avg)

HUL 20% ~1.5%
Mold Tek Packaging 60% ~1.2%
Supreme Ind 41% ~1.3%
ITC 14% ~2% (almost there, future growth prospects exciting)
Bajaj Auto 13.4% ~1.9% (falls short of the criteria, but almost there)
Hero motor 13.5% ~1.9% (falls short of the criteria, but almost there)

Not adding HCL as I am not sure it will have steam for a while. But ofcourse you can if you feel differently.
I am more inclined to learn of stocks like the first 3 that offer growth 20% and yield 1%+ :wink:

To keep the last post in this discussion always relevant, consider copy pasting the above list and then add your suggestion below the existing list :slight_smile:


Here you go,>+20+AND Dividend+yield+>+1&latest=true

It’s useful, but doesn’t give what I really want bro.

What I want is to find stocks that have consistently given dividends of >1% yield and avg stock appreciation of 20% in past 5 years.

The dividend yield must be consistent… And must b calc using all dividends given during a particular year. And it shouldn’t b an average of 5 years as sometimes 1 good special dividend can misrepresent things. So basically should check year by year for around 5 years.

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