Starting with VP - what to do after Basics? There's a lot of posts

Hi, everyone.

About me: I’m a 27 yo IT professional who began investing with my first job in 2018. I have been exclusive with equity. My portfolio at the moment is 65%% small cap, 20% mid cap and 15% large cap, managed by my two childhood friends.
I am between jobs right now, and I plan to use this time to take control of my portfolio.

What I plan to read and learn at VP:

  1. I am starting with refreshing the Basic posts here.
  2. Next, I will do a light read of Buffet shareholder letters.
  3. Next comes the relevant posts from top posts of all times
  4. I particularly find this post from Donald a good place to start for newbies
  5. What next?

My question:
There are a lot of posts in VP to go through. Am I making the right choice with this order I’ve added above? Are all of these posts still relevant in mid-2024?
I understand that fundamentals of investing don’t change over time. But I plan to invest a lot of time, and I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask the forum before I do so.

I can also go through good analysis posts from the past under top posts from all time which have proven successful over time.

Thank you for reading this post, I’ll try to make the best out of my time in this Forum.

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I would say, there need not be a structure in learning with stock market, as it is fragmented, and there could be areas where you are interested in and can delve right in.

If you are the kind of a person who likes structured learning, start with fundamental analysis. Pick a company that you already know, an IT company, and see how the business is analyzed, know about the business from the perspective of investors. You can jump into technical analysis too.

Or you can check the portfolio threads started by members, and see which style resonates with you.

Or you can check the posts made my one member, this helps too, as we have members who have completely different perspectives towards investing, and present different views. This activity in itself is a great learning.

If you are interested in books, you can check this.

And a discussion.

It is an ocean at the beginning, you can swim as much as you can, just to know how to swim and what kind of a swimmer you are, or, you can pick a direction and swim towards it and see what you will find.

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What a great analogy. Thank you for your comment and for asking the question I had in my mind but couldn’t frame clearly.

I’ll finish refreshing the basics and then start with portfolio posts - one company by different members, and different posts by one member.

Could you also please point on how (and if) you make notes/keep track of learnings in this forum?
You must have built your own understanding and style of trading over years of experience. How do you keep a track of it?

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See if this helps.


It does help, thank you!

See, this is what I meant. It’d have been difficult for me to find that post from Abhishek just by browsing this forum.

Please feel free to link any other posts (and webpages. sources outside this forum) that had a profound impact on you and your style of investing.

I appreciate all your help.


Hi Batmann, welcome to the community!

Your plan looks solid by following this approach, you’ll build a robust understanding and be able to make informed decisions about your portfolio. Happy investing!

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Thank you for this comment, @R_Sawkar.

At this moment, my aim is to understand my existing portfolio - how did my friends choose a stock and asked me to invest in it. There’s some overlap between the stocks in my portfolio and the stock analysis I see on this forum. This means that there’s a common knowledge that I seem to miss, for now.

Learning that is my short term goal. :slight_smile:

I don’t plan to reshuffle my portfolio just yet. Yes, it seems like a good plan for me and, hopefully, I don’t get punched in the face.