Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited - An Efficient Player

Company Overview:

Spandana is a microfinance company providing finance to underserved sector.It is a public limited company started in 1998 and registered with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as an NBFC in 2003.

Company Structure:

  • Spandana Sphoorty Financial Limited
  • Criss Financial Holdings Limited (CFL) - 98.2% Subsidary
  • Abhiram Marketing - Fully owned by promotor group

Product Offerings:

  • Microfinance loans
  • Loan Against Property
  • Business Loans / Personal Loans
  • Gold loans
  • Consumer durable loans

Business model:

  • Core business of the company is microfinance loans
  • Spandana follows both, the group-based and the individual microcredit lending model, wherein, the loans are given to individuals based on their household economics.
  • Other types of loans includes the Agri-family loans, Farm equipment loans, Small mortgages, and Loans against gold jewelry, among others.
  • Microfinance loans are disbursed by SSFL and other loans are disbursed through CFL
  • Company has a marketing arm “Abhiram Marketing” for providing loan for purchase of consumer durables. Loans are held in books of SSFL and sale is booked in Abhiram. Since MFI regulations restricts MFIs to have a marketing arm, this company is held by promotor itself and profits are passed on to SSFL

Geographical presence:

  • Unlike larger peers like Bandhan and CreditAccess where having huge concentration in some states, company has well diversified among the states and top contributing state is less than 20% of total loan book.
  • Major key states for other MFIs are deliberately avoided as part of risk management.
  • Company has larger mix of rural portfolio at 94% of their loan book.

Key metrics:

  • Loan Book growth
    • 97% of loan book is microfinance loan and 3% is other set of loans such as LAP, Gold.
    • Post CDR issue, company growing its book at very rapid speed. Even during the covid time, they can able to disburse at good pace

  • Currently they are disbursing more than 2000 crores of loans in a quarter.
  • CFL currently has a loan book of 403 crore.
  • From management commentary, they are focusing on growing significantly CFL book.
  • Capital Adequacy ratio:
    • As of 31 march 2021, Currently having 40% ratio even after providing huge provisions for covid portfolio.
    • CFL is also having a healthy ratio of 33%
  • Operating metrics:
    • Cost to income at 20% range and opex of 3-4% leads to higher EDITDA margins compared to other MFIs
    • having a spread of 10% and with lower leverage ratio, spandana has a superior NIM of 15-16%
  • Asset quality:
    • Company currently having PAR 1-30 at 3.6%, 31-60 @ 2.0%, 61-90 @ 1.6%
    • Gross NPA of 3.1%
    • Company started providing provisions from q4 FY20 for this covid stress
    • Already written of 5% of portfolio and has 5% in provision bucket.
    • having GNPA of 3.1% and PAR 30-90 of 3.6%, current provision seems inadequate and it will take further hits in next two quarters

Crisis Management:

  • Company, being a 2 decade old, has seen enough crisis and survived most of crisis except AP crisis
  • AP Crisis:
    • Spandana is one of the two firms that survived the AP crisis.
    • For all MFIs, which operated in AP, only spandana able to collect 44% of its portfolio till date.
    • Even though AP event is an existential crisis of MFIs, spandana managed to steer through Corporate Debt Restructure scheme by larger collection and additional capital raise from Kedaara capital.

Where the company distinguish itself:

  • When CreditAccess is trying to convert the collection model to fortnight basis, Spandana is trying to convert to monthly model, as this will reduce the number of visits of collection agents which will eventually improve the opex metric. (But surprisingly, Spandana says monthly model has superior collection, whereas CreditAccess says fortnight model has superior collection
  • Geographical selection differs from its peers. Being one of the largest MFI, company avoided some key states
    • Uttar Pradesh – stopped disbursals in FY17 due to overleverage of the borrowers in many districts, when peers were entering aggressively
    • Tamilnadu - Since state has higher microfinance penetration, SSFL did not have MFI portfolio and only has secured portfolio is TN.
    • Assam - Spandana was conscious of too many MFIs entering the state, and the resultant high per-borrower loan amounts
    • West Bengal - Spandana tested the market, but quickly understood that borrowers were highly over-leveraged and hence pulled back significantly and reducing the portfolio from a peak of 3% of AUM to the current 0.5% of AUM

Shareholding structure:

  • Nearly 93.36% of the entire company shareholding was held by promotors, institutional investors. This shows the greater confidence in the company.


  • Company growing book rapidly in previous years and also disbursements are higher in covid times also.
  • High capital adequacy ratio
  • Low opex
  • Better asset quality than industry average
  • Absence in some troubled states.

Key Risks:

  • Company will have to make provisions in future quarters also to writeoff NPAs
  • Employee reviews in glassdoor and ambitionbox are terrible
  • Every activities are managed by Ms. Padmaja Reddy itself, not a professionally managed company
  • Comparing with standalone CreditAccess for branch numbers and AUM per employee metrics, CAGL is best in terms of numbers but Spandana got superior Opex, due to lower employee and other expenses. This can be both positive and negative

Disclaimer: Invested. All details are taken from company website, annual report and quarterly investor presentation.


News of the resignation of both CFO and CSO.

There is no further clarity in open forums regarding the resignation.
Disc: Invested

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Serious resignation happening in Spandana. Ms. Padmaja submitted her resignation that too on immediate effect and quarterly results are due. She is the promoter with 16% shareholding and literally, she runs the entire show.

Now Company is without MD, CEO, CFO.

Disc: Invested, Post this announcement planning to move out


Padmaja is right.

In my view, Axis acquiring kedaara capital stake or a merger will be bad for spandana shareholders. Kedaara desperate to get out .

Disc: Today exited my entire holding. May or may not re-enter after things sorted out

Contrary to the popular belief, the stock has reacted positively to the news.

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I thought this would lead to gruh like scenario, but market had other ideas

As expected, Bharat Fin CEO and CFO’s are joining Spandana and Padamaja’s exit is eminent

Three concerns in this transition:

  1. Management probing some gold loan branches for some potential concerns in subsidary Criss.
  2. What they are going to find with this New IT vendor change.
  3. What would be the future of Abhiram’s role in business.

Collection efficiency of MFI book is at 97% excluding prepayments and 113% including prepayments. Not sure whether they are doing business in India or somewhere in Mars. Their numbers are always hard to believe.

Disc: Invested. Sold position once the resignation news came out and added back recently

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Another development in this case, IndusInd Bank Press Release says otherwise. They are refusing the claim of saxena and damani joining Spandana.

Point 3 is very important

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Is it ok to raise such defamatory remarks against an individual in an interview? I think Ms. Padmaja is out of control.


Any reason why the stock price is moving up?

I think it is due to the appointment of interim ceo and interim cfo.

Can a cfo (kmp) handle two positions. Again a red flag.

CAR at 46%, but still they are issuing equity and preferential shares. Something is not right

I see interest here has died completely just as things are beginning to look up. The OpIndia article must have been a scary read for investors when it happened. A lot of things in this piece are outright unprofessional but I think post the settlement with Padmaja last year, things seem to have been laid to rest.

I feel the old management may have done some questionable things, especially when I compare some of the old disclosed data that are laughable in retrospect

Not even CreditAccess Grameen had such numbers during the pandemic. My theory is Kedaara wanted a management changed to get better transparency and thankfully they have been successful after a lot of hurdles and have now built a very good team. The business now is doing concalls and last 5 concalls track the trajectory of the business nicely and we are now at a great place

The new management is doing good things and walking the talk. The Pre Apr '21 book is now just 2%.

The Vision 2025 document (Slide 25 onward) talks of growing AUM to 18,000 Cr by FY25 (Microfinance is 15k in this). They are at 8500 Cr and so far have been almost on track on everything they have promised in Jul '22 Vision document for FY25

They have done a good job in cleaning up the pre Apr '21 book

RoE for Q4 FY23 was at 14.1% and management sees this trending up to 22-24% levels

The issue I don’t see clearly addressed is why is the pre Apr '21 book so bad vs post Apr '21, even though both were during the old management’s tenure? I see analysts in the call fishing for something on this. The new management has been professional not to do any mudslinging and has owned up the book as it stands and have done the cleanup. With Padmaja still being a large shareholder, I suspect they cannot speak their mind openly anyway if there was any misreporting in the pre Apr '21 period

That brings us to the risks

  1. Padmaja’s shareholding is an overhang on the stock though at the management level and CXO level there has been a complete cleanup. She refused to sell at 1.5x book to Axis (according to her claim that Kedaara wanted to exit at 1.5x to Axis, for her reason to resign), so don’t see why she should do so now. It might be better for the business as a whole and other shareholders if this exit happens sooner than latter though

  2. Is Kedaara in this for the long haul or did they replace the management only to exit at whatever valuations? Going by the zest of the new management, I think Kedaara is in this for the long haul and is building a better quality business under a very well-paid professional management

  3. The usual MFI and political risks - At this point in the cycle though, I think we are at the start of a new cycle with clean books and good growth prospects. At cyclical bottom, this is perhaps not the risk to worry about

Valuation is very much in favour due to the risks above but the sector as a whole looks set for a re-rating. Spandana run by a professional management (mostly ex-BFIN) could command a much higher valuation like 2.5x or 3x P/B and book value itself is set to grow ~20% for the next 2 yrs, so overall there appears to be a scope for making 2-3x here in the next year or two.

Disc: Have positions in the stock from current levels. Not SEBI registered and could be wrong with my assumptions and views. Please do your own research


Pursuant to Regulations 30 & 31A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015, we hereby inform that Mrs. Padmaja Gangireddy (DIN: 00004842) vide her e-mail dated May 26, 2023
has (i) Tendered her resignation as Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from May 27, 2023 and
(ii) Requested the Company to declassify herself as Promoter of the Company.
The resignation of Mrs. Padmaja Gangireddy and her request to declassify as Promoter of the Company has
been noted and taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Company and requisite formalities in this
regard are being initiated in accordance with the extant regulations.


track to recovery?


How does the community think about Q1 results? Largely, MF companies are a bit struggling with elevated credit costs after a very good run. Not sure whether its a short term blip or may take sometime to stabilize. Any views?

Spandana’ Guidance is 3.75% credit cost. Last quarter guidance was 2.5% so this is a big jump!

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Currently, there is a lot of competition in the microfinance space, and everyone wants to take a piece of it. But what actually happens is willfull defaulting customers are easily shifting from one MF lender to another and defaulting on the lender whom they have borrowed in the past. I am staying in a village, it was really tough to get a loan before COVID by an illiterate villager, but after COVID, I see about two to three microfinance loan officers every week in my village asking villagers to avail loans from their companies. I think this is going to be a be a bubble. If they want to get protected from bubble then they have bring changes in the way they are giving loan.