Som Distilleries and Breweries

In Concall they tried to shut down an investor who was asking meaningful questions about tax differences and packaging costs.
Seemed a bit shady…

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Was thinking the same. The first guy was shut down pretty hard. But in their defense it was taking a long time, so can’t say for sure.

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The whole concall was around 34-35 mins. Their defence was not right that its taking long. They have to clarify the question asked by investor. The whole management approach looks very bad towards shareholders. They have also not been shareholder friendly in recent take over subsidiary.

In general, Mr. Sethi sounded defensive on the call. The tax question was the first straw. When asked about the new HUL hire and their plans, he didn’t answer and instead gave some generic “very capable person” answers. When asked about specific marketing strategies, he didn’t answer so the investor defaulted to the distribution side.

Folks who’ve been following the company for a while - have the promoters given a reason as to why they aren’t on these calls?

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I agree too, Mr.Sethi wasn’t too open nor was he aware of the numbers to the extent that he was supposed. Coming to disclosing certain information which might pose a risk of competition, that is completely up to the company, If they feel that a figure like packaging cost is crucial they might choose not to speak about it. This is a standard practise.

Agree on packaging cost he can choose not to answer…but packaging cost was the second question that investor asked…
The first question was about tax differences for which the company seemed hesitant and asked him to connect one to one and maybe because they signalled the coordinator, the coordinator abruptly asked the investor to rejoin the queue even though the investor had asked just 1 question… To which even the investor seemed surprised.

Well public meetings can be handled better if they want to win the confidence of the investors.

91cab129-bca1-4c96-9291-736a1f6aab96.pdf (501.0 KB)

JK Arora interview:

Udisha unit - 6 Million cases/month to 10 million cases/month (Before march-25)
Green Projects - UP & West bengal (plan for FY25)
Revenue target (FY25): minimum 1600 Cr.

Disc: Invested.

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3 days to go…

Disclosure - Exited


Saw this few days back…Is Company responsible in such or some cases like these? Power cool beer is owned by SOM distilleries which is shown in this reel.

This is the response of the management in reply of the news regarding child labour at their factory.

Disc not invested will never invest


Although I know for sure that this quarter’s results will be excellent, I have made the decision to exit the company completely. Morally also it is very wrong what has happened and there is a chance of prosecution of the directors.
Company announced of it’s Telengana approval yet didn’t inform when they lost it few days later. Also even if it was an associate company, they are the owners of that corporation and their hired employees chose the contractors who did this vile act. From the pictures as well they really look like small kids so I don’t know how anyone could confuse them for adults and even so, I don’t think any adult should be having burns on their hands regardless of the age.

Disc - Was invested, exited today


I invested a huge chunk almost 1 years ago and was bullish on this company. I learnt how poor management behaves. I didn’t lose any money on this stock but was once close to losing my entire chunk. Don’t invest in this bullcrap and stay away from such management.


How did you know such things, before hand.

MP government cancels licence


Isn’t it strange that despite all this the stock price remains unaffected? There was a temporary selling pressure and nothing more.

the company has provided a clarification that no such thing has happened. The issue is with a private ltd company which is an associate of this group and as such the issue is not related to the listed entity.