Check this concall silent points
Please double check because I am forwarding it as I received
Check this concall silent points
Please double check because I am forwarding it as I received
Agree! Management explained in the concall that why the revenue guidance couldn’t be met for FY 25 (because of unviability of imports and they had to engage with domestic steel suppliers for the supply and thus lost a couple of months) and why they are still keeping the long term guidance of FY 27 unchanged. With this result, PE fell down from 70 to 41 and price to sales is now 0.8. New service centres are coming up which will increase the margins.
Isn’t the fall in topline a result of steep fall in steel prices ???
If yes, why would / why should the mkt take it seriously ( in negative sense )
This is exactly my point.
SG Mart works in a cyclical industry where fluctuations in commodity prices determines the sales and hence the profitability.
Simple question is how many cyclical trading companies are trading above 40 PE. You find very few such companies.
SG Mart is trading at such valuations because of the promoter pedigree and high sales guidance for the coming years, hence it’s only plausible for the market to expect near perfect results.
Disc - in my watchlist
I have another question. If the steel prices continues to stay low then what? Is this a good thing or bad for SG Mart?
Disc: significant part of my PF
Its a neutral thing - IMO
So … their topline targets won’t be met. But the volumes and bottomline will keep growing
I have a few problems with today’s call
IMHO - Mkt values it highly because it can multiply its bottomline at a rapid pace. Rapid or relatively slower expansion in topline should not be such a big deal
Disc : holding, biased
I dont see bottomline growing as well. Am I missing something?
Disc: significant part of my personal picks and one of the top three investment
I think there has been significant reduction in QoQ volumes. While the management try to downplay revenue slowdown citing fall in steel prices, the issue lies in the falling volumes.
I tracked since 3 quarters, in my prospective this business being cyclical in nature even at low base,
Whenever it’s volume increase it’s revenue very much depended upon still price !
Instead of Q to Q comparison we need to compare full year figures. In commodity business, tracking company performance Q to Q will not help for long term investors.
Long term investors shall track - company’s long term vision, promoters intention for growth without compromising balance sheet, no doubtful related party transaction, growing bottom line better than topline, etc.
Promoters are focused on future high margin and growing demand products, they have long experience in dealing with steel products, etc.
I hope future is better than present…but need patience!
If you like company based on your investing process / theses - correction in stock price is good for you! Listen warren -
Disc - Invested and good position
Few positives:1> Last qtr no of regt customer 1270>2126. suppliers 145>223.
2> solar businesss will start contributing rev from feb itself and it is high margin business.
3>no of service center will be more than tripled in next fy.(operational)
4>3900cr mcap with 800+cr cash on bs.
5>govt capex at its lowest level in last six month still 4300cr rev for 9 month 200% increse now capex has already started peaking up.
So to me worst is over ( confused!) ? Any thought will be appreciated.
they opened in ghaziabad and bengaluru
Why should the stock be trading at 450? Isn’t everyone here in notional loss on this scrip
Disc: invested
Q3FY25 Concall summary
Financial Highlights:
Operational & Strategic Updates:
Segment Performance:
Guidance & Outlook:
Margin & Profitability Expansion:
Risk Factors & Market Challenges:
SG Mart remains on track for long-term revenue and margin expansion, driven by service center growth, solar structure sales, and an increasing customer base. Despite short-term revenue declines due to lower imports, the company expects strong growth in domestic steel supply, service center ramp-up, and value-added product expansion to drive sustained profitability.
Key Investment Takeaways:
Generated using ChatGPT
I think they have made several mistakes in guidance. They should never have given guidance in absolute numbers. Only volume guidance should have been given. I don’t know why they realized this quarter that steel prices can fall .
Secondly, their FY26 guidance of 40% growth means they expect sales at 8600 cr . However , they still maintain FY27 guidance of 18000 cr. So they expect sales to more than double??? So optimistic. Also again same mistake of not taking into account steel price volatility.
I called up the IR to grill on the same points and he had no logical answers
I hope they learn how to give guidance and how to handle calls sooner than later.
In latest concall they clarified that FY27 guidance should be considered based on volume (& not revenue). Volume of 2.8-3 mn tons is what they are holding to for FY27.
FY25 is revised to 14k cr from 18kcr due to 20% price decrease. However maintaing on volume side
I completely agree with this point. Their guidance seems a bit aggressive.
They stated that FY26 revenue is expected to jump 40% to over ₹6,000 Cr. However, in the same statement, they projected ₹9,000-10,000 Cr in revenue for FY26, which is inconsistent. A 40% increase on ₹6,000 Cr would be ₹8,400 Cr. If they had met their FY25 target of ₹7,000-8,000 Cr, the statement would have made more sense.
Despite this being a low-margin trading business, I still have hope. However, I seriously doubt the FY27 revenue guidance of ₹18,000 Cr. From the current standpoint, a more realistic estimate seems to be around ₹12,000-13,000 Cr unless they significantly accelerate the expansion of new service centers.
At current levels it seems a good buy to me. Might not get this opportunity later.
Disc: Invested, ~2% of my PF, adding more