Selecting a broker

Yes, brokers can place such restrictions as part of their risk management practices.

We at Zerodha don’t allow orders for stocks in ASM/GSM stage 2 and above.

Does this even extend to delivery based buying? A lot of fundamentally good quality companies often come into these lists, I am not sure how delivery based buy/sells are a problem.


Not sure how you are saying that, because these stocks are put onto these lists because of added risk to investors. Here’s the criteria used to put stocks on the GSM list. Here’s the ASM criteria.

Does it mean that Upstox doesn’t allow buying stocks in ASM list or they provide alternate way to do it. Its horrible if you can’t buy even in delivery (cash segment)?

Anyone else having similar issue with other brokers?

You simply cannot buy them, even in the cash segment.

I understand that zerodha has the discretion to decide how they want trades to happen on their platform, and I won’t tell you how to do your job. At the same time, I will definitely not call aarti drugs, alkyl amines, and INOX leisure (the three currently feature in the Long term ASM list) as fundamentally bad companies just because they made it to these lists.

Appeciate your quick revert, thanks! But you guys should consider allowing delivery based buying in ASM stocks, I now need to open an account with a regular broker because of this.


Yes, off late the discount brokers have too many restrictions. Even after enabling Time-based One-time Password, Zerodha has certain restrictions with certain ASM and micro cap stocks with Mcap less than 100 crores.

Doesnt make sense how buying stocks in these segments will affect the broker, since we have to pay 100% margin upfront before placing orders in the CNC (delivery) category.

Will pass this on and get back.

SEBI may Soon Allow Retail Investors to trade directly on NSE- A shocking News to Brokerage communities such as Zerodha, ICICI direct…


All these stocks are allowed for purchase. You only need to set up TOTP on your account to be able to invest.

Is there a certain amount upto which it is safe to use zerodha? hypothetically, can I safely buy shares worth more than 1 crore? What about more than 10 crore. Is there any limit or reason for having multiple brokerage accounts?


yes you can buy shares of ANY worth of money, this is bcoz the shares u buy lies in the depository (CDSL or NSDL) and not with the broker.
If u have huge cash balance in the account, brokers are obliged to return it back to your account automatically every quarter end.

Hi ,
ICICI direct offers a feature of SEP (Systamatic Equity Purchase), This is like doing SIP in a select stocks or even ETF. Does any one know if any of the discount broker offer this feature ? thanks in advance.

Hi, i have been using this SEP option in ICICI direct it is a SIP (DCA) for both Stocks and ETF.

This is same like Small case…

I use the same. I want to know if any discount broker offer the same feature ?

With the recent changes it is getting difficult to withdraw money as one has to calculate the day of selling.
Can someone inform me are there any hidden charges associated with hdfc securities account other than annual maintenance fees? I tried to contact hfmdfc customer care but didnt receive any satisfactory answer. Also are there any plans in hdfc sec?


Hi All,

I have account with Motilal Oswal. However yesterday I noted that they are changing 0.5% for delivery. (which as per my knowledge is very high, Icici Sec charges 0.45%). I am planning to open a demat account with discount broker. Pls help me with

  1. Can I open 2 nd Demat account with stock broker ??
  2. Which is good discount broker ?? (a known person has faced difficulty as he had his account with Karvy)
  3. I am delivery based guy. If there is no brokerage then how will broker make money from me ??

Thanks in Advance

That’s a fair point but if everything is free how will the broker make money ??


Need one info. I applied few IPO’s today using Zerodha account and used by IDFC first bank UPI id. but all UPI mandates authorizations failed and when checked IDFC First bank, they say IPO not supported.
Now how to change my UPI id to different bank? does zerodha support here?

Note : this is off topic. adding here as the problem linked to Zeordha facilities & features