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Error in Screener for Rexnord Electronics

I am trying see the stock of Rexnord Electronics & Controls Ltd, but from last two days it is showing the marketcap at 37.22 Cr and market price as 49.10. But in the other portals like Moneycontrol, etc, it is showing actual value. I think the screener is not updating the values for this stock…very strange. Can someone look into it?


It seems correct as of now. At screener we update the price at the end of the day only so you might be seeing a difference during the day time?


Dear @ayushmit I am checking from last few days the marketcap in screener is showing as 38.47Cr only. I have checked on other sites moneycontrol and valueresearchonline and it is showing the latest mcap and price for this stock. Please fins the screenshots of moneycontrol page, valuesearchonline page and screener page. I think the screener is not pulling value correctly for this stock.

Hi @nityanandparab , thanks for alerting us. It seems there has been some corporate action with the co which is not updated on and hence the market cap is not showing correctly.

We will try to rectify.


Hi @ayushmit / @pratyushmittal
I have question in aarti drugs, in Screener it shows one pros for aarti drugs as

  • Market value of investments Rs.39098.19 Cr. is more than the Market Cap Rs.1633.15 Cr.
    But in balance sheet non current investments amout is 11cr.

How screener is calculating market value of the investments and from where it gets the investment details?

** scrrener screen shot.**

** FY 15 AR **


I suppose the market value of the investments would be 390.98 Cr. It seems to be data capturing error. Thanks for pointing out

Hi Guys, I am getting some buggy data for 2015 for debtors and inventories when I download excel sheets. I crosschecked many of them with the consolidated balance sheets in annuals reports and there seems to be lots of discrepancies.

For e.g. see the sheet for Hindustan Media Ventures (HMVL). The 2015 debtors in the data sheet are mentioned as 5.7 when in fact it should be 107.6. Similarly inventory at the end of 2015 is mentioned as 132.90 but it should be 44.84.

Not sure if only I am seeing this problem or others too.


Hi Mohit,

Thanks for the alert. We will try to correct and improve.

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You must have thought about this, but I’ll ask anyhows…

In Screener, for any particular company looked at, why have you not added a direct link into Valuepickr’s discussion groups. Is it due to have accurate naming conventions? Or is it just to prevent a flood of (eventually) unattended discussion forums?

Just curious.


More because of accurate naming conventions, I think. There are quite a few conversations on the same stock, and some discussions on multiple stocks.

For something more straight-forward, Valuepickr can point to screener when it detects a company name in a conversation, and screener can then use that info to ping back. Getting a bit technical here so I’ll stop :smile:


Just checked the updated version of Fabulous


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very impressive. great work.
i cant locate the watch list menu/link. is this intended or by design?

Hi @pratyushmittal @ayushmit
Could not see the Cash Flow Statement and the Option for downloading the excel sheet in the updated

Great going guys!!

I see that now you have a price chart. Would be even better if you could put a semi-log scale (log scale on price/Y-axis), which would help to compare %age increase/decrease across years.

Addition of price - time graph is good indicator. However, peer comparison from same industry would be desirable which was there earlier.

Please revert back the peer comparison where we used to list down the desired colums like ROE,ROIC,D/E,etc.

It used to give us an option for a quick glance on the company. Now its missing on new version :cold_sweat:

Hi Friends,

To prepare the screener for the next 5 years, we needed to re-write the whole site. It will take some time to restore the missing features.

I hope you all will like the new version and find it more useful.

Thanks & Regards,
Ayush Mittal


My browser ( google chrome ) not able to open the

Any issue or work in progress

Ayush, Peer Comparison is missing in new version