Sankhya Infotech - Rising Defence and eLearning Phoenix

That article is 20 years old and fundamentally there is a lot of difference in the company now

I dont know if its right say that the publication would publish an “operator’s” perspective. That’s essentially saying that the publication is an operator itself. i hope every investors knows this that Sankhya had the highest subscription ever. ET has covered this article many times. This is something to feel proud and i think the issue was very small and had come at par, unlike others from big groups that had no business on ground and raked in billions of USD worth of money from investors and now its languishing at 10% of its value after 10 yrs.

Now coming to the shady history point. In this thread its already been highlighted that its not for conservative investors. There’s nothing to point out any connection between the promoters and the operators (though promoters would do good if they increase their stake in the company).

I think its important to understand that the psychometric profile of investors like us who invest in sankhya’s types is little different than others. We believe that circumstances change, people change and companies change. One has to take the information available and accordingly evolve their investment decision after taking into consideration the margin of safety. Those who like to dig history, please dig histories of nowday’s darlings like Cupid and Caplin point. Also, those with great corporate governance normally hit the hardest as your investing decisions rarely count those risks - we all remember satyam who till a week before the scandal broke out was winning awards for corporate governance.

All the risks are well covered in the thread. Hopefully people with “constructive” attitude would dig more on company’s fundamentals.

Let market decide SIL’s fate and we as investors should have a rock solid money management plan and not just for SIL but for all our investments or trades.

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shareholding pattern declared is showing that promoters have increased their stake a bit in this quarter.

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45 is breached…More down side from here ???

i thought you were learning technicals. please let us know your take as per technicals.

Found this article too dated exactly a month back…

this is helpful and looks positive. The joker in the pack is just the relatively lower promoter holding…

interesting development.

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Do u think the preferential allotment could be for the promoters or some one else??

they have not mentioned it so probably for others.

Like for a strategic partner?

how would i know man…

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The price seems to be held down by some people …I guess the management could be involved. …They postponed the meeting just as the price was shooting back up

Important and positive developments coming in the company. Promoters raise their stake by 3.5% (14.5lac shares) by warrants priced at 48.83rs. Another 4lacs shares to non-promoter at same price and importantly 19lacs shares to another investor priced at 56rs which was at significant premium to a day before’s closing price. This investor would now have more than 12% stake in the company. Here is a brief profile of this investor.

Here is the AR of the company which was released day before yesterday.

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very good results announced by Sankhya. YoY more than 50% increase in PAT and 60% increase in EPS.

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I was trying to get a feel of the Human capital of this company considering that they are talking about specialized products serving niche areas, and this is the major strength for any IT company. But a look at their Linkedin listed only about 71 employees and hardly a couple of impressive senior profiles. Is anyone aware of further details of their employee skills and strengths. The annual employee cost of approx 80 cr also should indicate a much larger and senior workforce. But, this is no way matching with what is there on LinkedIn. Can anyone with more information shed some light on this?


I’ll be going to the AGM next week if anyone would like meet up before hand.

Looks like the story is playing out well. Already >100% return from invested levels. Key will be to monitor quarterly growth and then decide to add/prun.

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true… let’s see what’s the outcome from AGM. Not sure if the bigger investors would be attending it or not.

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