Sandeep Patel: Investment Journey & Philosophy

A glimpse of my last four years of investment style/ journey. Prepare to be underwhelmed.

Sharing presentation from the VP Chintan Baithak Goa July 2016 -
Investment Journey - Sandeep Patel.pdf (565.8 KB)

To be honest I’ve been lucky -

  • Lucky to have won the ovarian lottery - born in India; >10% nominal GDP growth, 1.3B population, low base.
  • Lucky to have come across ValuePickr platform - one that focuses on good process. If you have got the process right, the results will follow.
  • Lucky to have access to different investment styles, experiences and methods used by successful investment gurus at the click of button.

As a student, am doing a simple task of working hard to read, understand, digest and apply the VP processes and invaluable experiences generously shared by investment gurus. Thankfully, have got passion and a bit of temperament. Has been an awesome journey so far. Hope the good run continues…

Thanks to everyone for the tremendous collaborative effort and knowledge sharing.


Current portfolio (Jan 2017) -


Looks Excellent - VP kind of portfolio

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Awesome presentation. Very concise but each and every word worth is weight in gold. I am very sure if followed the advice will create huge wealth.

Many thanks


I enjoyed reading the concise note and I like the portfolio too. I will surely steal the simplicity with which you have presented your thoughts.

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Sandeep is a very savvy long term oriented passive investor. I have had the joy of sharing a lot of time with him at VP Goa meet.

Good portfolio. I think with the kind of tracking of shrimps etc you do, I would have expected a higher allocation to Avanti.



Why you did not considered Metals and Oil related stocks ? Any specific reason

@lustkills Sandeep bhai - I am trying to find some good, reasonably valued companies in food industry. (especially organic segment). I am sure you are aware of the long runway ahead for the organic food industry in India. Do you like anything (not a tip seeker)…just trying to dig more into this sector as everything i find looks overvalued ;-)? Heritage foods, Hatsun, Tasty bites, ADF, DFM (not necessarily organic) are good businesses but extremely overvalued at the moment. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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@spatel Its been sometime since you updated this thread. I admire your way of constructing the portfolio and making those appropriate allocations.

Also what is your strategy in current euphoria scenario?

Rightly said @spatel. I infer that you are clearly focused on Consumption theme, isn’t it? Are you working on any such stories? Pls do share.


@samirhuli and @Advait_6270

At a high level, strategy remains the same - Focus on size of opportunity, predictable sustainable earnings growth - double in three years type…

One change in strategy - Tuning mind to focus more on domestic business, less on export heavy business.

India has one of the fastest growing middle class. At current rates of growth, by 2021/22 India may have as many households with disposable income of $10,000+ as the U.S. or the eurozone. Exciting times ahead.



Great to get update on your portfolio. Just one unwanted advise. It seem you have too much concentrated on NBFC/HFCs with 5 of total 16 names being from that sector with Bajaj/Piramal/Edelweiss/Muthoot being 4 of top 7 seven holding.

Also, you may explore looking at metal/infra sector in your opportunistic part of portfolio in my opinion.

Good to see you have adpted learning technical analysis. I still do not have confidence in my skill :thinking:


Hello @spatel,
Really liked ur portfolio update in Nov ‘17.
Would yu like to share the changes after this correction?

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Hello Dr,

Thanks. Will share in early May '18 (basically 6 months interval). Cheers.


Sure. Wating for ur update

@spatel, Could you please update your PF.

Thanks for reminding @tarundsingh and @drgrudge.

  • Have made an attempt to switch to stronger names (with terminal value).
  • Had to let go few names for valuation concern. And few where things didn’t go the expected way.
  • Was easy to exit cyclicals. Not at peak, not at worst. Good leanings.

Plenty of opportunities around; not at no-brainer mouth-watering level though. Balancing risk-reward and capital allocation remains the key (more so in current times).



Hi Sandeep, can you share your
update PF?

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Hi Vipul (@vipul_011)… Will do in Christmas holidays… Basically, 6 months interval… Cheers…


hi sandeep, can you share ur portfolio

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@vipul_011 and @sanu1802 - Thanks for the ask and reminder.

  • Concentrated in the limited sectors; bit diversified within.
  • Tweaked few names based on (my perception of) earnings visibility.
  • GARP; double in three years type with some optionality.
  • Have made an attempt to be stock specific regardless of MCAP (large/mid/small).

Learning to navigate this volatile period. Bullish. At the same time on tose because of interest rate cycle. Interesting year ahead - mix bag of opportunities and risks. Cheers.