Raman's Portfolio - Review Appriciated

Hello Fellow Members,
I have been studying and watching the market for more than 10 years (I was 33 when I got interested towards market). Initially I have started with investment in ETFs / Mutual funds. I have started investing into direct stocks since 2018.
I would like to share my current portfolio and get the views of seniors.Generally I carry out fundamental analysis for stocks before investing to see basic parameters like sales and profit growth, OPM, NPM, EPS. Planning to have a concentrated portfolio of around 10 to 15 stocks. Below table shows the list of stocks I invested.

Sl No Company Sector % of Portfolio Up/Down in % View Reason to Buy
1 ACE Capital Goods 10% 190% Long Term Market Leader in the segment i.e in Crane,Minimal Debt. Construnction equipment sector is growing faster. Ambitious management
2 ION Exchage Capital Goods 9.50% 192% Long Term Water is a scarce commodity. Water treatment sector is very important for the environment. Management is very prudent in allocating capital. Good amount of Capex for water chemical.
3 Redtape Retail 8.60% 500% Long Term Special Situation.Value creation after demerger from Mirza int. Good Brand Recall in Shoes category. Accessories segment is growing fast.
4 Mrs.Bectors Food FMCG 8.60% 106% Long Term Good brand recall in NCR region. Company is aggressive in growing its presence in other parts of india.Management is focusing on premiumisation. Proxy play to QSR sector.
5 PNGS Gargi Fashion Retail 7.80% 66% Long Term This one I Took a bet on the management. The company is getting benifited from its legecy brand PNG which has a good brand recall in MH. Very small company in a Big ocean. Fashion jewellary segment is growing faster than conventional Gold jevellary.
6 Brand Concepts Retail 7.30% 62% Long Term Transparent management. Very small comp carrying big brands like Tommy, UCB etc. It can become house of brands for Travel gear segment. Own manufacturing (IFF).
7 Usha Martin Engg 6.50% 74% Medium Term Entered at lower level (<20 PE). Margin improvement due to higher value added products. Critical to safety products
8 Poly Medicure Healthcare 5.30% 196% Long Term Consistent compounder. Medical equipment sector is fast growing in india. Govt is regularising this sector. The comp is making prods which is import substitute. Huge capex for future growth. Comp is consistently growing its sales & profit since inception.
9 Shivalik Bimetal Electronics 5% 16% Long Term Company is mfg products which is having application in Electronics ind/Smart meters/EV etc. Huge future growth. Excellent ROE/ROCE.
10 Aurionpro Solutions IT 5% 17% Long Term Took a Bet on management.Fast growing company catering to Banking, Transit technology. Good accusitions done for growth.
11 Lincoln Pharma Pharma 4.80% 63% Medium Term Entered at lower level (<10 PE). Management is continuously buying its own shares from open market during such down level. Consistently growing sale/profit.
12 Frog Cellsat Telecommunication 3.30% -1% Medium Term Bought due to Low PE (18) in a high growth sector. Comp catering to Telecom / Defence sector. Chances of PE rerating is High. One of the Very few comp which is doing concall in micro cap/SME sector.
13 AMI Organics Chemicals 3.20% -5% Long Term Market Leader in the segment (Pharma intermediate), Won Fermion contract. LI battery chemicals, Semiconductor checmicals which is having high growth. High capex
14 BEW Engineering Capital Goods 3.10% -3% Medium Term Unique products which is quite critical for the Chemical/pharma industry. Both these sectors are in down trend from some time so chance of rerating is high in future.Good management
15 E2E Networks IT 2.90% 50% Medium Term Unique company into Cloud computing. Catering to SMEs / Small start ups for their AI/ML workloads. Govt push for Data centers. Huge growth visible in future
16 Phantom Digi. Effect Entertainment 2.70% -3% Medium Term Company is available in a high growth segment (VFX) in india. Taking a bet on this sector. Available cheap w.r.t the whole sector (<25 PE)
17 Aurangabad Distille Alcoholic Beverages 2.70% 21% Short Term bought at very low PE (<9 PE). Alcohol sector seems to be a high growth sector in india. Just a Short term bet
18 Magson Retail & Dist Retail 2.50% 50% Medium Term Unique company present in Gujarat in Gourmet food retail segment. The stores looks very premium. Good quality products. Stretagically located at key locations to get high footfall. Bought at low PE (<25)
19 Integra Engineering Railways 1.20% 25% Medium Term Just a bet on Railway theme. Though seems to be a good comp having good return rations

Hi Raman, may I know what is your current portfolio XIRR?


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Do you still hold Magson retail ? They announced to plan more stores during IPO but no I couldn’t find any news / data relating to new stores. Their key stores in Gujarat / Ahmedabad is definitely a big plus considering the way how Gujarat is expanding.

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Yes I am still holding it. They have recently opened a store in indore location. Yes the pace seems to be slow. The company is very small w.r.t the market size it caters. It is currently 2.5% of my portfolio so I will keep holding it, Will decide to add/reduce based on the future developments. Thanks

Current update on portfolio -
Sold Ion exchange - recent promotor’s selling made me uncomfortable, (already low promoter holding). Though it is a good business. May enter again in future.
Added tracking position in following stocks -
Riba Textiles - Wanted to enter into textile sector which seems to be breaking out (most of the stocks entered into stage 2). A microcap with good brand, Very low valuation (7 PE). Good profit growth in Q3.
DMR Hydro - Infra play. Just taking bet on a very small microcap into growing infra sector. Promoter seems to be good with long aspirations. Nothing much info available.
Added some more Frog cellsat.
Rest of the Portfolio is same.

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Great portfolio, looks like seasoned investor portfolio. Surprised seeing at ur mention of started investing 2018. E2E Networks has great potential… surprised seeing it categorised as medium term… Like your majority holding on retail consumer sector… :wink: that’s good trade traits/ secret…


Current portfolio update.
(*Mark -New addition)

Sl No Company Sector % of Portfolio View Reson to buy
1 PNGS Gargi Fashion Retail 11.3% Long Term Same
2 E2E Networks IT 9.2% Long Term Same
3 Redtape Retail 9.0% Long Term Same
4 ACE Capital Goods 8.6% Long Term Same
5 Mrs.Bectors Food FMCG 7.1% Long Term Same
6 Frog Cellsat Telecommunication 6.1% Long Term Same
7 Poly Medicure Healthcare 5.9% Long Term Same
8 Aurionpro Solutions IT 5.5% Long Term Same
9 Shivalik Bimetal Electronics 4.5% Long Term Same
10* Jash Engineering Water Equipments / Solution 4.2% Long Term Water theme. Water is scarce commodity.Very unique product profile.Technocrate Management with growth ambition.
11 Brand Concepts Retail 3.7% Long Term Same
12 Lincoln Pharma Pharma 3.5% Medium Term Same
13 BEW Engineering Capital Goods 3.5% Medium Term Same
14 AMI Organics Chemicals 3.4% Long Term Same
15* DMR Hydro Infra consulatancy 3.2% Medium Term Infra play. Just taking bet on a very small microcap into growing infra sector. Promoter seems to be good with long aspirations. Nothing much info available.
16* Macfos Platform business (Electronics equipment) 3.1% Medium Term Very unique company into Electronics equipment trading. Huge market size. Young technoctate management with high growth ambition. Robu 2.0 is will be the growth driver in future.
17* Shree Pacetronix Healthcare 2.8% Long Term Unique comp with unique products. I couldnot found any indian comp manufacturing such products. High entry barrier. Products are critical to humen health. Market size is narrow but good. Valuation confort visible
18 Phantom Digi. Effect Entertainment 2.3% Medium Term Same
19 Aurangabad Distille Alcoholic Beverages 1.9% Medium Term Same
20 Magson Retail & Dist Retail 1.2% Medium Term Same

Any Idea why promoter , FII and DII are selling heavily in phantom digi.

Frog cellsat

Excellent YOY PAT up by 60%
EPS up by 59% YoY

Order updates


Product details and growth prospects

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Hi @ramansharma I’m still studying Frog, and would love to hear from you about the result?

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Hi rahul, the result is in line with the expectations. Now they have become quite conservative in giving any aggressive figures (In past they used to give guidance of growing at 40-50% growth).Better to say less and over deliver. I am betting on the telecom industry and the company is into the niche products which is quite critical and currently being largely imported. Govt is quite keen in localising the telecom parts due to safety/make in india drive. So lets see how the things play out in future.
Disc - Invested (5% of the portfolio)

Thank you Raman ji for sharing your thoughts. Just a quick question I see you have trimmed your position a bit from 6.1 to 5, just wanna know the reason behind it any concerns or just profit booking.

No, I haven’t trimmed my position. This weightage keeps on changing based on other stocks movement wrt the overall portfolio.

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Regarding Frog, this quarter they also earned from selling land in Dehradun, so it is not all from their business activity. Anyways, I am betting on it to grow in the long term because govt policy currently supports telecom infra creation that too with companies having certain certifications. Frog has that certification, so is greenlighted for many projects and has less competition.

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Hope this is also beneficial for telecos like frog cellsat. Would love to hear what others think.


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Excellent result Frog cellsat.
Sales more than doubled and profit more than 5x QoQ.
