PVR Ltd.- Play on increasing disposable income

This was from screener.in and their concall transcripts (also available on screener)

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Please read about Ind AS 116 Leases. Long term + short term debt is the actual debt payable. Lease liability is created on liabilities side and Right of use asset on asset side. This was done to stop hiding of commitments as they used to take it off balance sheet


Relevant article with key data points. Looks like the content from Hollywood movies may not add much value in FY24-25. PVR’s strategy to therefore focus more on South aligns with the movie watching trend of South. Muted Hollywood content will therefore continue to challenge potential growth opportunities. Will Indian movie content alone uplift revenue opportunities?

Disclosure: Invested

a)No commercials, just films: PVR Inox adopts ad-free movies amid declining theatre footfalls.
b)Cutting down the length of the ads slotted before a movie begins on the big screen from 35 minutes to 10 minutes, the company is looking to add extra shows.
c) This new product by PVR Inox has been launched across 40 luxury properties of the multiplex chain in Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, among others, effective from April 1.

Seems 1Q FY2025 is going to be affected due to poor performance of Bollywood movies, ongoing IPL season and lack of Hollywood content.

Disclosure- Not invested


A116 In very simple words @RahulSingh you can have a look at it

Alright, imagine you have a toy car that you really like, but you have to pay to play with it every month.

Now, imagine you tell your friend, “Hey, I’ll pay you every month to play with your toy car.” That’s like a lease.

Now, before, people could hide these payments, so it looked like they didn’t owe any money. But that wasn’t fair because they were promising to pay money later.

So, now, with this new rule called Ind AS 116 Leases, they have to write down how much they promised to pay. It’s like writing it in a special book so everyone knows they owe this money.

They write down the money they owe (lease liability) on one side of the book, and they also write down the toy car they can play with (right of use asset) on the other side of the book.

This way, everyone knows about the promise to pay and the fun toy car they can play with.