Protean EGov Technologies Ltd - A Play on the ONDC, Digital Policies

Provisioning (Allowance for expected credit loss)

Expected Credit Loss FY’18 FY’19 FY’20 FY’21 FY’22 FY’23 FY’24
Beginning Balance - 1.19 1.19 11.82 41.02 70.29 77.21
Amts written off - - - - 1.19 10.63
Net remeasurement of loss allowance 1.19 - 10.63 29.20 30.46 17.55 38.91
Balance at the end 1.19 1.19 11.82 41.02 70.29 77.21 116.12

New Product Launch

What is remeasurement of loss allowance

Pls elaborate how to read this

So I have compiled these figures from previous yrs balance sheet. Basically it is an account for expected credit loss/allowance for doubtful debts. So the net re-measurement of loss allowance is the provision/allowance for doubtful debts expense the co. reports in PnL. So if you go ahead and check the PnL this figure matches:

e8095005-794c-4f1b-a8c2-81d201cee42c.pdf (1.5 MB)

What would be causing them a loss on credit? What does this mean? Sorry for a stupid question

Expected Credit Loss (Protean e-gov).docx (431.0 KB)
This should help^
In short: The ITD dept. still needs to pay protean and for that they’ve created provision

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